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SOS cinema

Electrical tester Fluke T5-1000

Electrical tester Fluke T5-1000

Introduction of voltage, continuity and current tester Fluke T5 in practice.

Programmable power supplies GENESYS+

Programmable power supplies GENESYS+

Rack-mountable power supplies GENESYS+ series has the highest power density and lightest weight available for its size with a comprehensive set of user-friendly interfaces. Really just pros! It´s GENESYS+ from TDK Lambda.

FLIR C5 - Compact IR Camera with Cloud Connectivity

FLIR C5 - Compact IR Camera with Cloud Connectivity

Rugged, reliable and compact thermal camera with cloud connectivity and Wi-Fi. This powerful, pocket-portable tool makes it easier to inspect, document issues, and instantly share results with team or customers. Onboard FLIR Ignite™ cloud connectivity with backup, storage, and sharing, MSX, 160x120px resolution, 3,5” LCD screen, 5MPx visual camera, operating battery life up to 4 hrs, built-in tripod mount and many more benefits.

Cypress F-RAM Introduction

Cypress F-RAM Introduction

The world´s most energy-efficient serial nonvolatile RAM with fast write speed and high endurance. Cypress is the trusted leader for instant data capture and protection.

Traco Power TEA1 DC/DC Converter Series Introduction

Traco Power TEA1 DC/DC Converter Series Introduction

The three unregulated 1 Watt DC/DC SIP converters from Traco Power which are specifically designed to offer a low-cost solution while keeping a high-quality standard. Available are different package sizes for a broad application range in any space and cost critical application; especially suited for high volume projects where are needed simple but reliable products.

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Demo Visual

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Demo Visual

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON Part 4 - Demo Visual

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Flashing Image

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Flashing Image

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON Part 3 - Flashing Image

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Product Line

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Product Line

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON Part 1 - Product Line

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Success Stories

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Success Stories

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON: Part 2 - Success Stories

Bolymin Displays Overview

Bolymin Displays Overview

Main features of LCM & OLED display series from Bolymin.

EA uniTFTs - Readable in direct sunlight (Smart 2" PCAP)

EA uniTFTs - Readable in direct sunlight (Smart 2" PCAP)

The uniTFTs series from Electronic Assembly offers perfect readability both outside and inside. It is perfect for an outdoor application with the direct sunlight or in a very bright environment in the operating theatre, at the dentist, in the photo studio etc.

CRC Heavy-duty Citro Cleaner

CRC Heavy-duty Citro Cleaner

Multi-Surface cleaner for safe cleaning of machinery and equipment during maintenance activities. Suitable for use on a wide variety of hard surfaces throughout the industry, traffic, as well as the office.

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