Fluke 773 Milliamp Clamp Meter Streamline your maintenance operations with the Fluke 773. Its portable design and ability to measure 4-20 mA signals without shutdown maximizes productivity and reduce downtime. Based on practical reviews, the Fluke 773 has proven to be highly effective for tasks such as troubleshooting current loops, working with building controllers, and calibrating various energy meters. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel
Unboxing Rohde&Schwarz MXO4 The R&S®MXO 4 series oscilloscopes are the first of a new generation that excels in both performance and value. The instruments enable faster insight through a once-in-a-decade engineering breakthrough. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel
Next generation oscilloscope for accelerated insight. Rohde and Schwarz's R&S®MXO 4 series oscilloscopes represent a new era of test and measurement equipment. With the R&S®MXO 4 series, users can expect a major leap forward in terms of speed and accuracy, providing them with the insights they need to innovate and solve complex problems. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel
Rigol DM3068 - vyskúšali sme ho za vás. Keďže ide o 6 1/2 miestny multimeter, môžete očakávať, že namerané výsledky sa budú výrazne blížiť ku konvenčne správnej hodnote. Pozrite si záznamy z merania. Obsah: 00:01 Video ukážka 4 hodinového merania fázového napätia vo forme časozberného videa 03:53 Ukážka 6 hod. merania frekvencie vo forme časozberného videa 09:33 Zmeny a vývoj histogramov v čase ako črtajúce sa Gaussove krivky pri meraní frekvencie 10:13 Zmeny a vývoj histogramov v čase ako črtajúce sa Gaussove krivky pri meraní fázového napätia 10:46 Vzhľadom na širšie triedne intervaly multimetra pri meraní odporu jedného meracieho kábla, nemôžeme očakávať histogram v tvare Gaussovej krivky, ale iba jeden stĺpec tak, ako to znázorňuje posledné video.
Introduction of voltage, continuity and current tester Fluke T5 in practice.
Rugged, reliable and compact thermal camera with cloud connectivity and Wi-Fi. This powerful, pocket-portable tool makes it easier to inspect, document issues, and instantly share results with team or customers. Onboard FLIR Ignite™ cloud connectivity with backup, storage, and sharing, MSX, 160x120px resolution, 3,5” LCD screen, 5MPx visual camera, operating battery life up to 4 hrs, built-in tripod mount and many more benefits.
Check out 5 FLUKE digital clamp meters suitable for commercial and residential use: Fluke 324, Fluke 365, Fluke 902FC, Fluke 375FC and Fluke 368FC.
Non-invasive tester of material humidity, based on a capacitive principle, measuring up to 4cm depth.
The new FLIR Exx-Series of advanced thermal imaging cameras offer superior resolution, precise laser-assisted autofocusing, and the option of interchangeable lenses – so you can target any component, survey from top to bottom, identify potential points of failure and avoid costly shutdowns.
Miniature thermal camera to your smartphone FLIR comes with a new generation of miniature thermal cameras with parameters that put it in the middle class. 160x120 pixels, -20 ° C to 400 ° C, 15cm focal length and custom battery to save battery power on your smartphone.