Diotec's Linear Voltage Regulators are simple and cost-efficient devices. They are used in sensitive applications and complex circuits, requiring stable supply voltages, low to medium current capabilities, and low noise. The designers easily use them in various applications including post regulators for switch mode power supply, DC/DC converters, active SCSI termination regulators, battery-powered electronics, smartphones, home automation systems, game consoles, etc.
Hammond 1552 series is ideal for the design of various wireless and also wired hand-held controllers. These are often used for different controlling purposes. There are two colours and six sizes to choose from, plus a wealth of accessories.
Everything you need to know about 5G network in 40 minutes. 0:00:57 – 3GPP Roadmap for 5G 0:02:20 – 5G is about unifying diversity 0:04:40 – 5G deployment plan 0:12:35 – Beamforming technology 0:15:00 – Mimo technology 0:18:40 – How LTE IoT will evolve in 5G? 0:25:38 – 5G positioning for IoT use cases 0:30:00 – LTE-A/LTE-A Pro/ 5G Roadmap 0:35:10 – 5G Module Overview, Series Specifications and 5G antenna box
SGP40 is Sensirion’s new digital volatile organic compounds (VOC) sensor designed for easy integration into air treatment devices and air quality monitors. VOC's originate from a number of different possible sources, like building materials, tobacco smoke, people and their activities, and using air fresheners or cleaning agents. Elevated VOC levels can have various adverse effects on human health.
LPWA technology (NB IoT and Cat M1) allows you to achieve very low power consumption and thus expand the scope of wireless technology also to battery-powered devices. You will learn about technical aspects of the LPWA network, modules, applications and more: Cellular network evolution Why Narrow Band? New NB technologies NB-IoT and Cat M1 by design LPWAN technology explained Typical applications Quectel Modules Roadmap At the end of the recording you can learn how to work with a development kit (BG96 module). Also we explain the principles of low-power mode of the module connected to the NB IoT network and prepare a data transfer to the server via MQTT protocol.
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) is a service that enables satellite-based autonomous spatial positioning with worldwide coverage. Users of this service use small electronic radio receivers (for example from Quectel). It is used in the field of transport, production and energy transmission, payment services, smart city, environmental protection, etc. You will learn about technical aspects of the GNSS network, modules, applications, and more: GPS and GNSS module specifications Global Navigation System Change LG69T Series Positioning Technology Trends High Precision Positioning - RTK Real Applications At the end of the recording we provided a short introduction of a GPS communication module Quectel L86 in practice.
Rigol DM3068 - vyskúšali sme ho za vás. Keďže ide o 6 1/2 miestny multimeter, môžete očakávať, že namerané výsledky sa budú výrazne blížiť ku konvenčne správnej hodnote. Pozrite si záznamy z merania. Obsah: 00:01 Video ukážka 4 hodinového merania fázového napätia vo forme časozberného videa 03:53 Ukážka 6 hod. merania frekvencie vo forme časozberného videa 09:33 Zmeny a vývoj histogramov v čase ako črtajúce sa Gaussove krivky pri meraní frekvencie 10:13 Zmeny a vývoj histogramov v čase ako črtajúce sa Gaussove krivky pri meraní fázového napätia 10:46 Vzhľadom na širšie triedne intervaly multimetra pri meraní odporu jedného meracieho kábla, nemôžeme očakávať histogram v tvare Gaussovej krivky, ale iba jeden stĺpec tak, ako to znázorňuje posledné video.
Take a look at the behind the scene of the conference filming.
The new splicing connectors in a slim design, tool-free conductor connection and all the trusted advantages of the 221 series allow a wide variety of new applications. A standard-setting solution for all conductor types from 0.2 to 4 mm? with a transparent housing for immediate inspection of the proper connection.
We are constantly introducing new measures and principles relating to energy saving, recycling, and the protection of the environment in our everyday work. Also, we consider being environmentally friendly as important as being considerate and responsible towards our customers. Earth Day 2021 will mark the 51st anniversary of this holiday.
No single SSD can meet the needs of diverse applications. Apacer’s Double-barreled Solution allows customers to select the ideal SSD for their needs.
00:09 Libor Michalek - První kampusová 5G síť v ČR a její využití ve Smart Factory 00:44 Štefan Rak - Nová generácia mobilných sietí a jej prínos pre biznis 01:21 Andrea Basilová - Riadene odpadu na základe dát 02:01 Ing. Alan Fabik - Inspirativní IoT projekty postavené na technologii NB-IoTT 04:01 Ing. Pavel Mašek, PhD. - 5G sítě a Internet věcí: Jak změní budoucnost? 04:37 Ján Zuštiak - AirBnB vo svete elektromobility