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The WunderBar Internet of Things WiFi & Bluetooth Sensor Starter Kit is a quick start development tool for software application developers unfamiliar with complex wireless hardware designing, and a complete open-source wireless hardware reference design.

electronica 2014 - create your own Mini-Twin

electronica 2014 - create your own Mini-Twin

Dremel Decorating Kit

Dremel Decorating Kit

Special edition of Dremel VersaTip 2000 gas soldering tool.

Weller WSD81i soldering station

Weller WSD81i soldering station

New professional station for use in assembling plants, development workshops and other demanding places.

SOS Webinar: Your way to simple and efficient power supply design with Linear Technology

SOS Webinar: Your way to simple and efficient power supply design with Linear Technology

Programme of webinar: - Product groups and parameter ranges - uModule construction - Reliability data - Features: ultralow noise, output sharing, synchronizability / multi-phase operation - Information resources - Applications examples - Q&A

SOS Webinar: Internet of Things by one chip

SOS Webinar: Internet of Things by one chip

„Hardwired TCP/IP“ instead of a software solution? The result is higher performance and reliability. This time the webinar is focused on TCP/IP chips and modules from Wiznet. Programme of webinar: - WIZnet company and short core tech. introduction - "Serial-to-Ethernet" and „Serial-to-(serial) WiFi by WIZnet chips and modules - Live presentation and hand on demo how-to-start and - use new S2E-modules - Q&A

SOS webinar: IQRF in practice - How to make your product wireless Simply!

SOS webinar: IQRF in practice - How to make your product wireless Simply!

Practical demonstration of development of your wireless solution with IQRF Data Controlled Transceivers and IQRF development tools. Over the webinar you will get a full picture how to work with IQRF - from opening the first development set till development of your own peripherals and control software. Programme of webinar: - IQRF - Complete solution for Internet of Things - Development tools and IQRF IDE - IQRF network set up within few minutes - Control of a wireless network with just few bytes - Control of an IQRF network directly from your website through the IQRF Cloud - Development of new peripherals and commands with the Custom DPA Handler - Development of your control software with the IQRF Software Development Kit - Effective network service with the „CATS“ - Q&A

Wago 221 series

Wago 221 series

Small and very easily applicable splicing connector from Wago.

4D Systems 4DPi-35 - 3.5" Primary Display for Raspberry Pi

4D Systems 4DPi-35 - 3.5" Primary Display for Raspberry Pi

Easily usable display suitable for Raspberry Pi micro computer.

LPC4088 QuickStart board

LPC4088 QuickStart board

SOS webinar: Mastership in soldering

SOS webinar: Mastership in soldering

Programme of webinar: - short introduction of Weller and their product - new WSD81i - why use WX series product - benefits for your company - more about zero smog fume extraction - benefits for your health - 3 different Weller heater Technologies - precise temperature control - how you can take care about tips to enlarge their lifetime - Weller solder wire and the benefits - Q&A

Weller 3 heating technologies

Weller 3 heating technologies

Introducing Weller's 3 heating technologies to gain best soldering results and reduce running costs.

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