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Embedded Video Engines (EVE): Powering Digital Displays for Enhanced Customer Experience

Embedded Video Engines (EVE): Powering Digital Displays for Enhanced Customer Experience

Bridgetek, a leading global semiconductor company, brings you the future of digital displays with our Embedded Video Engines (EVE). Our EVE family of display controllers are designed to add attractive and fully featured touch-enabled graphical user interfaces to a wide range of devices, improving user experience and functionality.

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules To improve the user experience and functionality, EVE devices can be used to upgrade the user interface of a wide range of devices including industrial machines (industrial controllers, machine tools, elevators) and household appliances, and in consumer electronics devices and many more applications. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

How to Get Started With Geehy | SOS electronic

How to Get Started With Geehy | SOS electronic

How to Get Started With Geehy Simple and clear instructions, first steps with Geehy MCU. How to use an open-source SW development tools for Geehy APM32 microcontrollers in the 64-bit Windows 10 operating system? Watch the video Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Geehy company - IoT chip products and solutions  | SOS electronic

Geehy company - IoT chip products and solutions | SOS electronic

Technology touching the edge of innovation looking forward and moving forward. SOS electronic introduces Geehy company. The company provides high-quality and reliable IoT chip products and solutions, realizing technological progress and improving people's living standards. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

PST-360 application: Brake-by-wire, pedal sensor | SOS electronic

PST-360 application: Brake-by-wire, pedal sensor | SOS electronic

PST-360 application: Brake-by-wire, pedal sensor Piher, a member of Amphenol group, is a company with a long-term experience in the development and production of position sensors and control components like potentiometers, trimmers, encoders, and rotary switches. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Sensirion SHT45 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Sensirion SHT45 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Sensirion SHT45 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor Sensirion SHT45 is a digital humidity and temperature sensor SHT45 offers the best accuracy tolerances on the market. Sensirion’s CMOSens® Technology provides a complete sensor system on a single chip, with a fully calibrated digital I2C fast-mode plus interface. Check our regular product information on SOS electronic social networks: Facebook and Twitter. Follow us!

FTDI Power Delivery Overview with Product Demonstration

FTDI Power Delivery Overview with Product Demonstration

FTDI has extended the range of popular High-Speed USB Bridging Devices with Power Delivery products and presents the product demonstration. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:06 Table of Hi-Speed USB Bridging Devices with Power Delivery 00:00:40 Diagram of Power Delivery Single and Dual 00:02:01 Hi-Speed Data Bridging 00:02:15 Product Demo 00:03:46 FTDI website

Sensirion’s reference design for SCD4x CO2 sensors - SCD4x CO2 Gadget

Sensirion’s reference design for SCD4x CO2 sensors - SCD4x CO2 Gadget

CO2 monitors based on Sensirion´s reliable and accurate CO2 sensors technology improves indoor air quality and reduces the risk of virus infections indoors.

Sensirion Company Portrait

Sensirion Company Portrait

Sensirion is a leading sensor manufacturer, providing relative humidity sensors and flow sensor solutions with unique performance. Together with the capacitive humidity sensor, the product range includes liquid flow sensors, mass flow meters, mass flow controllers and differential pressure sensors.

Diotec - Stable Output Voltage at Low Costs

Diotec - Stable Output Voltage at Low Costs

Diotec's Linear Voltage Regulators are simple and cost-efficient devices. They are used in sensitive applications and complex circuits, requiring stable supply voltages, low to medium current capabilities, and low noise. The designers easily use them in various applications including post regulators for switch mode power supply, DC/DC converters, active SCSI termination regulators, battery-powered electronics, smartphones, home automation systems, game consoles, etc.

VOC Sensing with Sensirion's SGP40 VOC Sensor

VOC Sensing with Sensirion's SGP40 VOC Sensor

SGP40 is Sensirion’s new digital volatile organic compounds (VOC) sensor designed for easy integration into air treatment devices and air quality monitors. VOC's originate from a number of different possible sources, like building materials, tobacco smoke, people and their activities, and using air fresheners or cleaning agents. Elevated VOC levels can have various adverse effects on human health.

Cypress F-RAM Introduction

Cypress F-RAM Introduction

The world´s most energy-efficient serial nonvolatile RAM with fast write speed and high endurance. Cypress is the trusted leader for instant data capture and protection.

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