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SOS cinema

How reed switches are manufactured

How reed switches are manufactured

How a reed switch works

How a reed switch works

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix Xport Pro

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix Xport Pro

ATmel Studio 6

ATmel Studio 6

Mini PCB Terminal Blocks and PCB Connectors

Mini PCB Terminal Blocks and PCB Connectors

Reduce connection time and overall footprint with the Mini PCB Terminal Blocks series from Phoenix Contact. Terminate discrete wires to the board via spring, insulation displacement (IDC), or insulation piercing (IPC) technologies. Mount to the board with pin in paste or true surface mount, and take advantage of cost savings connections in the smallest spaces.

LT3799 LED driver controller with active PFC

LT3799 LED driver controller with active PFC

SolarWorld production process

SolarWorld production process

FTDI Robot Demonstration January 2012

FTDI Robot Demonstration January 2012

Phoenix Contact BC series - DIN rail enclosures

Phoenix Contact BC series - DIN rail enclosures

Lantronix xPrintServer

Lantronix xPrintServer

xPrintServer fills the gap between the productivity of iPads and iPhones and the inability to print from those devices to office networked printers. As small as any iPhone, xPrintServer leverages Lantronix' patented technologies, along with open industry standards to enable wireless printing to nearly any printer attached to a network. No software. No apps to buy. No configuration necessary.

4D ViSi

4D ViSi

4D ViSi is the latest Software tool from 4D Systems incorporated in the "4D Workshop3 IDE - Alpha", which is free to download at

V&A VA505B Tester for SMD electronic components

V&A VA505B Tester for SMD electronic components

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