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PHOENIX CONTACT - Mini PCB Terminal Blocks and PCB Connectors

Reduce connection time and overall footprint with the Mini PCB Terminal Blocks series from Phoenix Contact. Terminate discrete wires to the board via spring, insulation displacement (IDC), or insulation piercing (IPC) technologies. Mount to the board with pin in paste or true surface mount, and take advantage of cost savings connections in the smallest spaces.

Videá výrobcu

Online configurator for PTFIX distribution blocks

Online configurator for PTFIX distribution blocks

You can now easily configure the new distribution blocks PTFIX from Phoenix Contact for potential distribution. A simple menu, 2D and 3D product images, and intuitive user interfaces allow you to configure your distribution blocks with just a few clicks

QPD Installation System Phoenix Contact

QPD Installation System Phoenix Contact

Thanks to the proven QUICKON IDC displacement connection, cables of up to 5 x 6.0 mm? can be connected quickly and easily, without the need for stripping or special tools. The connection time can be reduced by up to 80%.

Phoenix Contact UCS enclosures

Phoenix Contact UCS enclosures

Universale Case System especially suited for embedded computers as well as any other electronic devices.

Distribution system PTFIX from Phoenix Contact

Distribution system PTFIX from Phoenix Contact

New and with innovative Push-in connection technology

SKEDD connectors from Phoenix Contact

SKEDD connectors from Phoenix Contact

Revolutionary connectors applicable into PCB without soldering.

EH Basic enclosures

EH Basic enclosures

Universal enclosures from Phoenix Contact suitable for DIN-rail mount or wall mount.

Thermomark line printers

Thermomark line printers

Overview of printing solution for marking in electronic industry.

Mini PCB connectors

Mini PCB connectors

Miniature easily applicable PCB connectors from Phoenix Contact

Phoenix Contact BC series - DIN rail enclosures

Phoenix Contact BC series - DIN rail enclosures

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