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Personal Data Protection

GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation for individuals in SOS electronic

Whether you are our customer, subscriber of our newsletter, or just a visitor of our websites, you probably give us your personal information in some form. We are fully aware of our responsibility for their protection and security. We would also want to assure you that we approach the protection of your personal data with full seriousness and maximum effort. These are the basic principles of such protection as well as your rights in relation to the GDPR.

Personal Data Administrator

Our company, SOS electronic s.r.o. located in Pri prachárni 16, 040 11 Košice, Slovak Republic, processes your personal data as an administrator, and thus we determine how, for what purpose and for how long the personal data will be processed. Since SOS electronic s.r.o. is a part of the SOS electronic business group, which uses a single information system, all companies within the group have equal access to personal data. These are the companies:

  1. SOS electronic s.r.o., Pri prachárni 16, 040 11 Košice, Slovakia
  2. SOS electronic s.r.o., Edisonova 3023/5, 612 00 Brno-Královo Pole, Czech Republic
  3. SOS electronic Kft., H-3527 Miskolc, József Attila út 74., Hungary
  4. SOS electronic GmbH, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, 92242 Hirschau, Germany
At the same time, we select other entities that will assist us with the processing. In case of need, you can contact us via this pre-written form.

We Sincerely Declare
that as the administrator of your personal data we meet all statutory obligations required by valid legislation, in particular by the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR. In particular:

  • we fulfil the information obligation before the processing of personal data as per the Article 13 of the GDPR,
  • we will process your personal data only on the basis of a valid legal reason (in particular legitimate interest, contract performance, legal obligations or consent given by you),
  • we will provide you full co-operation and support in the exercise of your rights as per the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR,
  • we will use all the available modern technologies known to us to the greatest extent possible to protect your personal information. We have accepted, maintain and constantly improve all possible measures to prevent the misuse, damage or destruction of your personal data.

What Personal Data Are We Processing, For What Purpose And For How Long?

We process your personal data that you provide to us for the following reasons:

Products sale, provision of services and contract performance

Your personal data, i.e. billing information, email, telephone, correspondence address, or job position and department is necessarily needed to fulfil the contract (delivery of goods and services).


If you are our customer, we necessarily need your personal data (billing information) because we are legally required to issue, record and archive tax documents.

Marketing – providing information

We use your personal information (email, name, company name and job position), sex, what you click on in email messages for the purpose of direct marketing and to inform you about the latest news in the industry. We do so based on our legitimate interest because we suppose you are interested in these news. If you are not our customer, we are sending you marketing information as per your prior consent. You can stop receiving marketing emails at any time by using the unsubscribe link in such emails or directly on the web after logging into your user profile.

Photos a video recordings

At some of our events, we produce photographic documentation or video footage to promote our newsletter. These pictures do not include names of the people, except for a reference on the basis of consent. If you do not want to be on the records, please let us know using our contact details prior the event. Of course, we will also remove these photos or videos as per your additional request.

We retain your personal information during the limitation period unless the law states otherwise or we have stated otherwise in specific cases.


When visiting our website, we record your IP address, how much time you spend on the site, and which site you are coming from. We consider the use of cookies to measure our site traffic and personalize our site view as our legitimate administrator interest because we believe it helps us offer you better services. You can disable cookies in your Internet browser on your computer. See the instructions for the relevant Internet browser.

Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

Our employees and co-workers who are bound by confidentiality and training in the area of personal data protection have access to your personal data. We can do most of the processing operations on our own. However, we use third-party services and applications that are specialized in the given processing and comply with the GDPR to provide some specific actions we cannot provide on our own.

They are the providers of these services and platforms:

  • - development and operation of web and e-shop, hosting of our domains
  • MailJet – distribution of marketing and service emails from e-shop
  • Facebook - FB pixel (anonymous statistics on social network traffic)
  • Google - Google Analytics (anonymous statistics on the traffic and usage of our site), Google Adwords
  • HotJar - anonymous statistics on the use of our website
  • CallPage – a tool that allows a quick phone call on our web
  • Shipping companies for the delivery of goods (DHL, DPD, EMS, FedEx, GLS, INTIME, Slovenská pošta, TNT, UPS, DB Schenker)
We may decide to use third-party services and applications in the future. We will, however, surely have at least the same demands on security and quality of processing (with regard to GDPR) as on ourselves.

Providing Data outside the EU

We process personal data only in the European Union or in countries that provide an adequate level based on a European Commission decision.

What Are Your Rights Regarding the Personal Data Protection?

You have broad rights in relation to the protection of personal data. If you want to apply some of your rights, we have prepared this form for you. You have:

  • Right to be informed – we are already fulfilling it with this document itself
  • Right of access - you can ask us to provide the information on what kind of personal information about you we keep and why. We will respond to you as soon as possible, but not later than within 30 days.
  • Right to rectification – you can ask us to add or change your data
  • Right to erasure - upon request, we will delete your personal information, which we are not obliged to archive on other legal bases (e.g. Accountancy Act, Value Added Tax Act, etc.).
  • Right to restrict processing – in case you do not want to delete all the data, but you just want to limit their scope or purpose for which we process them as well as the retention period.
  • Right to object to data processing - in some cases we may process your personal information without your consent based on our so-called legitimate interest. You have the right to raise objections.
  • Right to data portability – you have the right to request all your personal data we process about you.
  • Right to complaint – if you feel that we do not handle your personal details in accordance with the law, you may file a complaint either directly with us or the relevant Data Protection Authority.


We want to assure you that our employees and co-workers who are in any way processing your personal data are required to maintain confidentiality about personal data and security measures whose disclosure would jeopardize the security of your personal information. This confidentiality persists even after you end a business or employment relationship with us.

In case of need, you can contact us via this pre-written form.

GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation for individuals in SOS electronic

Whether you are our customer, subscriber of our newsletter, or just a visitor of our websites, you probably give us your personal information in some form. We are fully aware of our responsibility for their protection and security. We would also want to assure you that we approach the protection of your personal data with full seriousness and maximum effort. These are the basic principles of such protection as well as your rights in relation to the GDPR.

Personal Data Administrator

Our company, SOS electronic s.r.o. located in Pri prachárni 16, 040 11 Košice, Slovak Republic, processes your personal data as an administrator, and thus we determine how, for what purpose and for how long the personal data will be processed. Since SOS electronic s.r.o. is a part of the SOS electronic business group, which uses a single information system, all companies within the group have equal access to personal data. These are the companies:

  1. SOS electronic s.r.o., Pri prachárni 16, 040 11 Košice, Slovakia
  2. SOS electronic s.r.o., Edisonova 3023/5, 612 00 Brno-Královo Pole, Czech Republic
  3. SOS electronic Kft., H-3527 Miskolc, József Attila út 74., Hungary
  4. SOS electronic GmbH, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, 92242 Hirschau, Germany
At the same time, we select other entities that will assist us with the processing. In case of need, you can contact us via this pre-written form.

We Sincerely Declare
that as the administrator of your personal data we meet all statutory obligations required by valid legislation, in particular by the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR. In particular:

  • we fulfil the information obligation before the processing of personal data as per the Article 13 of the GDPR,
  • we will process your personal data only on the basis of a valid legal reason (in particular legitimate interest, contract performance, legal obligations or consent given by you),
  • we will provide you full co-operation and support in the exercise of your rights as per the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR,
  • we will use all the available modern technologies known to us to the greatest extent possible to protect your personal information. We have accepted, maintain and constantly improve all possible measures to prevent the misuse, damage or destruction of your personal data.

What Personal Data Are We Processing, For What Purpose And For How Long?

We process your personal data that you provide to us for the following reasons:

Products sale, provision of services and contract performance

Your personal data, i.e. billing information, email, telephone, correspondence address, or job position and department is necessarily needed to fulfil the contract (delivery of goods and services).


If you are our customer, we necessarily need your personal data (billing information) because we are legally required to issue, record and archive tax documents.

Marketing – providing information

We use your personal information (email, name, company name and job position), sex, what you click on in email messages for the purpose of direct marketing and to inform you about the latest news in the industry. We do so based on our legitimate interest because we suppose you are interested in these news. If you are not our customer, we are sending you marketing information as per your prior consent. You can stop receiving marketing emails at any time by using the unsubscribe link in such emails or directly on the web after logging into your user profile.

Photos a video recordings

At some of our events, we produce photographic documentation or video footage to promote our newsletter. These pictures do not include names of the people, except for a reference on the basis of consent. If you do not want to be on the records, please let us know using our contact details prior the event. Of course, we will also remove these photos or videos as per your additional request.

We retain your personal information during the limitation period unless the law states otherwise or we have stated otherwise in specific cases.


When visiting our website, we record your IP address, how much time you spend on the site, and which site you are coming from. We consider the use of cookies to measure our site traffic and personalize our site view as our legitimate administrator interest because we believe it helps us offer you better services. You can disable cookies in your Internet browser on your computer. See the instructions for the relevant Internet browser.

Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

Our employees and co-workers who are bound by confidentiality and training in the area of personal data protection have access to your personal data. We can do most of the processing operations on our own. However, we use third-party services and applications that are specialized in the given processing and comply with the GDPR to provide some specific actions we cannot provide on our own.

They are the providers of these services and platforms:

  • - development and operation of web and e-shop, hosting of our domains
  • MailJet – distribution of marketing and service emails from e-shop
  • Facebook - FB pixel (anonymous statistics on social network traffic)
  • Google - Google Analytics (anonymous statistics on the traffic and usage of our site), Google Adwords
  • HotJar - anonymous statistics on the use of our website
  • CallPage – a tool that allows a quick phone call on our web
  • Shipping companies for the delivery of goods (DHL, DPD, EMS, FedEx, GLS, INTIME, Slovenská pošta, TNT, UPS, DB Schenker)
We may decide to use third-party services and applications in the future. We will, however, surely have at least the same demands on security and quality of processing (with regard to GDPR) as on ourselves.

Providing Data outside the EU

We process personal data only in the European Union or in countries that provide an adequate level based on a European Commission decision.

What Are Your Rights Regarding the Personal Data Protection?

You have broad rights in relation to the protection of personal data. If you want to apply some of your rights, we have prepared this form for you. You have:

  • Right to be informed – we are already fulfilling it with this document itself
  • Right of access - you can ask us to provide the information on what kind of personal information about you we keep and why. We will respond to you as soon as possible, but not later than within 30 days.
  • Right to rectification – you can ask us to add or change your data
  • Right to erasure - upon request, we will delete your personal information, which we are not obliged to archive on other legal bases (e.g. Accountancy Act, Value Added Tax Act, etc.).
  • Right to restrict processing – in case you do not want to delete all the data, but you just want to limit their scope or purpose for which we process them as well as the retention period.
  • Right to object to data processing - in some cases we may process your personal information without your consent based on our so-called legitimate interest. You have the right to raise objections.
  • Right to data portability – you have the right to request all your personal data we process about you.
  • Right to complaint – if you feel that we do not handle your personal details in accordance with the law, you may file a complaint either directly with us or the relevant Data Protection Authority.


We want to assure you that our employees and co-workers who are in any way processing your personal data are required to maintain confidentiality about personal data and security measures whose disclosure would jeopardize the security of your personal information. This confidentiality persists even after you end a business or employment relationship with us.

In case of need, you can contact us via this pre-written form.
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Benvenuto nel sito web di SOS electronic. Prima di entrare nel nostro mondo online, vorremmo chiederti di consentirci di memorizzare i cookie sul tuo browser. Il tuo consenso ci aiuterà a visualizzare il sito senza errori, a misurare le sue prestazioni e a tenere traccia di ulteriori statistiche. Inoltre, ci permetterà di offrirti un’offerta dei nostri prodotti e servizi completamente personalizzata. Forniamo cookie anche a terze parti. Tuttavia, sei decisamente al sicuro con noi.
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