Prezzi senza IVA


Cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer by web sites you visit. It allows websites to remember information about your visit, for example preferred language and other settings. Another visit of website then goes easier and can be more productive. Cookies are important. Web browsing would be more difficult without them.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to find out how you work with our content so we can enhance your experience when you visit our website. Cookies remember settings like language, way of sorting components or screen resolution which remain your default settings when revisiting our website. Some cookies are just temporary and are stored only for your current browsing session. Others are persistent and are stored as a file on your computer for longer time.

How do I reject and delete cookies?

We do not use cookies to collect your personal information. However, if you want, you can reject or block cookies changing settings of web browser. For more information, use Help function in your web browser. Majority of web browsers accept cookies automatically. If you do not want to use cookies, you have to delete or block them. More about deleting and rejecting cookies and other general info about these files can be found at Information about using cookies in browsers of mobile phones and details about rejecting and deleting these files can be found in the manual of your mobile phone.

Cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer by web sites you visit. It allows websites to remember information about your visit, for example preferred language and other settings. Another visit of website then goes easier and can be more productive. Cookies are important. Web browsing would be more difficult without them.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to find out how you work with our content so we can enhance your experience when you visit our website. Cookies remember settings like language, way of sorting components or screen resolution which remain your default settings when revisiting our website. Some cookies are just temporary and are stored only for your current browsing session. Others are persistent and are stored as a file on your computer for longer time.

How do I reject and delete cookies?

We do not use cookies to collect your personal information. However, if you want, you can reject or block cookies changing settings of web browser. For more information, use Help function in your web browser. Majority of web browsers accept cookies automatically. If you do not want to use cookies, you have to delete or block them. More about deleting and rejecting cookies and other general info about these files can be found at Information about using cookies in browsers of mobile phones and details about rejecting and deleting these files can be found in the manual of your mobile phone.
Accetti la memorizzazione dei cookie?
Benvenuto nel sito web di SOS electronic. Prima di entrare nel nostro mondo online, vorremmo chiederti di consentirci di memorizzare i cookie sul tuo browser. Il tuo consenso ci aiuterà a visualizzare il sito senza errori, a misurare le sue prestazioni e a tenere traccia di ulteriori statistiche. Inoltre, ci permetterà di offrirti un’offerta dei nostri prodotti e servizi completamente personalizzata. Forniamo cookie anche a terze parti. Tuttavia, sei decisamente al sicuro con noi.
Il corretto funzionamento del sito web
Controllo tecnico più stabile
Migliore offerta di marketing
Cookie necessari Solo i cookie selezionati Accetta tutti i cookie
Modifica le impostazioni
Seleziona il paese in cui ti trovi per ricevere informazioni e servizi pertinenti e personalizzati per la tua regione.
Scegli una lingua
Seleziona la tua lingua preferita per visualizzare i contenuti del sito web e comunicare con il nostro supporto.
Seleziona la valuta in cui desideri visualizzare i prezzi dei prodotti. In questo modo, ci assicuriamo che tu veda i prezzi attuali adattati alle tue esigenze.
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