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Výsledky vyhľadávania vo videách pre kategóriu "Automatizácia"

Finder 7M Series of Smart Energy Meters - Keep the electricity operating costs under control

Finder 7M Series of Smart Energy Meters - Keep the electricity operating costs under control

It is good to know where, when, and how much electricity we consume to optimise electricity consumption. The intelligent electricity meter Finder will help us access this data in a clear form, even through a mobile application.

 LioN-Power IO-Link System from Lumberg Automation

LioN-Power IO-Link System from Lumberg Automation

IO-Link is the first standardized I/O technology for communicating with sensors and actuators. Lumberg Automation LioN-Power IO-Link Masters and Hubs enable this standardization with several industry-first features.

Finder motion detectors

Finder motion detectors

Finder series 18, high sensitivity presence and motion detectors

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