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Výsledky vyhľadávania vo videách pre značku "4D SYSTEMS"

Austrálska spoločnosť 4D SYSTEMS sa špecializuje na grafické riešenie pre univerzálne použitie, ako aj na špeciálne riešenia na mieru. Spoločným rysom 4D Systems grafického riešenia je ich univerzálnosť, jednoduché programovanie a aj vzájomná kompatibilita.
uLCD-90 - 9

uLCD-90 - 9

The larger display has been added to all the benefits of working with 4D Systems displays. The new 9” module is available with resistive or capacitive touch panel and with adapters for Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

SOS electronic webinar: How to  create custom widgets for your GUI within minutes?

SOS electronic webinar: How to create custom widgets for your GUI within minutes?

MarkkuRiihonen, Product and Business Development Manager in 4D systems company, introduced Embedded Display solutions and the 4D workshop4 IDE (PRO) with the new Smart Widget tool.



Arduino compatible display module

4D Systems 4DPi-35 - 3.5" Primary Display for Raspberry Pi

4D Systems 4DPi-35 - 3.5" Primary Display for Raspberry Pi

Easily usable display suitable for Raspberry Pi micro computer.

SOS webinar: Discover performance of user-friendly graphic processor Diablo 16

SOS webinar: Discover performance of user-friendly graphic processor Diablo 16

Programme of webinar: - The Diablo16 Processor - Features and description - Display Interface - Serial ports and interfaces - GPIO and Pin Functions - Alternate Pin Functions - Analog Pins - System Pins - Diablo16 Architecture - Flash Storage and RAM - User Flash Memory Banks - PmmC and Display Driver - Internal Functions - Registers Memory Map - Reference Design - Programming - The Diablo16 Display modules - Diablo16 OGM - Applications - Using the uLCD-70DT - Q&A

SOS webinar - How to program graphics of 4D Systems displays in just a few minutes

SOS webinar - How to program graphics of 4D Systems displays in just a few minutes

Programme of webinar: Introduction to 4D Systems Graphics Processors and Display Modules: - GOLDELOX Graphics Processor - PICASO Graphics Processor - Goldelox-based Intelligent Display Modules - PICASO Display Modules - Display Modules and Adaptors for Arduino and Raspberry Pi - 4DWorksohop4 IDE - Real World Examples of each of the four Development Environments - 4D Graphics Language (4DGL) - ViSi - Visual Programming - ViSi Genie - Codeless Programming - Serial - Modules as Serial Slaves to a Host Controller

4D Workshop4 IDE

4D Workshop4 IDE

Powerful graphic environment for programming of 4D Systems displays.

uLCD43(GFX) Running 4D-ViSi QWERTY Keypad

uLCD43(GFX) Running 4D-ViSi QWERTY Keypad

The new uLCD43(GFX) module from 4D Systems shown here is showcasing the new QWERTY keypad gadget part of the 4D-ViSi software Tool. The keypad is a single gadget with predefined touch linked to each key, which allows easy linking for additional actions with each key stroke. This demonstration shows two uLCD43(GFX) communicating via their serial ports.

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - 4D systems

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - 4D systems

28.6.2012 - Budapest, Hungary

4D ViSi

4D ViSi

4D ViSi is the latest Software tool from 4D Systems incorporated in the "4D Workshop3 IDE - Alpha", which is free to download at

4D Systems - 4D ViSi

4D Systems - 4D ViSi

4D-Visi is the perfect software tool that allows the user to see instant representation of their desired graphical layout for a 4D display module. 4D- ViSi has a selection of inbuilt dials, gauges and meters that can simply be dragged and dropped onto the simulated module display allowing the user to easily layout their design. Without needing to download the application code every time to see a change, each item has properties that can be edited and at the click of a button, all relevant code is produced in the user program.

PICASO-GFX2, A revolution in embedded Graphics Processing

PICASO-GFX2, A revolution in embedded Graphics Processing

PICASO-GFX2, an embedded graphics processor from 4D Labs, able to control and display graphics, images, videos and text in a multitasking environment. uOLCD-32PT(GFX) is the complete display solution, provided by 4D systems, powered by the PICASO-GFX2 graphics controller.

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