cinema SOS

Video from SOS webinar with Wiznet - Connect a Serial to Ethernet

Video from SOS webinar with Wiznet - Connect a Serial to Ethernet

The demanding "deep dive" training for serial port experts was held on September 5, 2018. If you could not attend, we offer you a recording.

Phoenix Contact UCS enclosures

Phoenix Contact UCS enclosures

Universale Case System especially suited for embedded computers as well as any other electronic devices.

Cylindrical cells production line

Cylindrical cells production line

Cylindrical cells production line

Video from webinar: How to develop your skills with S2E

Video from webinar: How to develop your skills with S2E

Here you can find a brief overview of the WIZ750SR series, its practical operation and a few valuable pieces of advice and tips on how to work with S2E (Serial to Ethernet) converters.

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway (LGW) into the Things Network server in 5min

Apacer Underfill Technology

Apacer Underfill Technology

Apacer Underfill Technology to increase reliability

FLIR Exx-Series for Electrical & Mechanical Applications

FLIR Exx-Series for Electrical & Mechanical Applications

The new FLIR Exx-Series of advanced thermal imaging cameras offer superior resolution, precise laser-assisted autofocusing, and the option of interchangeable lenses – so you can target any component, survey from top to bottom, identify potential points of failure and avoid costly shutdowns.

Get OMNI in Just 15 Minutes

Get OMNI in Just 15 Minutes

Featuring a modular designed, the OMNI Series can be fitted with a number of modules to expand its base capabilities.

Weller WE 1010 station

Weller WE 1010 station

New WE station with excellent price/performance ratio.

SOS electronic webinar: Your IoT solution up and running within few hours

SOS electronic webinar: Your IoT solution up and running within few hours

Recording of the IQRF webinar. Speaker Mr.Simon Chudoba from IQRF introduced the IoT Starter Kit (IQRF + Up Board) in his presentation. We looked at LoRa, Sigfox, or Zigbee from IQRF technology. In addition to case studies from Industry 4.0, Smart City, Smart Building, we showed you a practical demonstrations by Ivona Spurná, as well.

Technical background of IoT tree

Technical background of IoT tree

It looks so easy and yet I still learned so much during its creation. What did I use for it? - ESP8266 WiFi module - Special Christmas LED lighting with WS2811 drivers - Raspberry B v3 - Raspberry camera (for everyone to see that the tree is really lighting up) Greetings from Matúš Čopík, author

Kariéra v SOS electronics

Kariéra v SOS electronics

Predstavenie firmy a jednotlivých oddelení v SOS electronic.

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