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Rezultatele căutării în videoclipurile pentru categorie "Module de comunicaţii"

Module de comunicaţii

Lantronix Premier Wave 2050

Lantronix Premier Wave 2050

Reliable and feature reach WiFi to Ethernet bridge Lantronix PW2050

Lantronix SLC8000 - Key Features

Lantronix SLC8000 - Key Features

This video will demonstrate the key features and settings of the Lantronix® SLC™ 8000 advanced console manager. The Lantronix SLC 8000 advanced console manager is the industry’s first modular console server that provides secure remote access to IT equipment while reducing deployment costs and time.

LANTRONIX SLC800 - Introduction

LANTRONIX SLC800 - Introduction

Advanced console manager introduction.

SOS electronic Webinar: DCTR 72DA transmits data up to 600m distance

SOS electronic Webinar: DCTR 72DA transmits data up to 600m distance

Programme of webinar: - key parameters - comparison to DCTR-52DA - interoperability and Certifications - OS 3.07 functions - DPA 2.xx features - IDE, SDK, Cloud

SOS electronic webinár: DCTR 72DA prenesie dáta až na 600m vzdialenosti

SOS electronic webinár: DCTR 72DA prenesie dáta až na 600m vzdialenosti

Program: - kľúčové parametre - porovnanie s DCTR-52DA - spolupráca s inými modulmi a certifikácie - funkcie OS 3.07 - vlastnosti DPA 2.xx - IDE, SDK, Cloud

SOS webinar: Get your devices on web within few minutes

SOS webinar: Get your devices on web within few minutes

WIZ550web: - Webserver internals - how to use it for remote control - how to customize - show "unattackable" and performance in a comparison to a software Webserver WIZ550S2E: - show and introducing to usage - WizFi250 -wireless serial-to-ethernet module

SOS webinar: Looking for a powerful platfom for your Linux applications

SOS webinar: Looking for a powerful platfom for your Linux applications

Programme of webinar: - General introduction to the UDOO Board - Hardware features - Main aspects regarding the creation of projects with it - main aspects of creating a Linux or Android project with UDOO boards - Examples - Q&A



The WunderBar Internet of Things WiFi & Bluetooth Sensor Starter Kit is a quick start development tool for software application developers unfamiliar with complex wireless hardware designing, and a complete open-source wireless hardware reference design.

SOS Webinar: Internet of Things by one chip

SOS Webinar: Internet of Things by one chip

„Hardwired TCP/IP“ instead of a software solution? The result is higher performance and reliability. This time the webinar is focused on TCP/IP chips and modules from Wiznet. Programme of webinar: - WIZnet company and short core tech. introduction - "Serial-to-Ethernet" and „Serial-to-(serial) WiFi by WIZnet chips and modules - Live presentation and hand on demo how-to-start and - use new S2E-modules - Q&A

SOS webinar: IQRF in practice - How to make your product wireless Simply!

SOS webinar: IQRF in practice - How to make your product wireless Simply!

Practical demonstration of development of your wireless solution with IQRF Data Controlled Transceivers and IQRF development tools. Over the webinar you will get a full picture how to work with IQRF - from opening the first development set till development of your own peripherals and control software. Programme of webinar: - IQRF - Complete solution for Internet of Things - Development tools and IQRF IDE - IQRF network set up within few minutes - Control of a wireless network with just few bytes - Control of an IQRF network directly from your website through the IQRF Cloud - Development of new peripherals and commands with the Custom DPA Handler - Development of your control software with the IQRF Software Development Kit - Effective network service with the „CATS“ - Q&A

UDOO - poweful embedded PC

UDOO - poweful embedded PC

SOS webinar: Programming free wireless MESH networks

SOS webinar: Programming free wireless MESH networks

Programme of webinar: - IQRF Technology summary - Direct Peripheral Access - Hardware Profiles - IDE 4.13 - IQRF OS 3.04 key features - IQRF Alliance

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