The common denominator of these seemingly unrelated numbers is Pizzaworkshop Quectel. 68 developers from the 4 countries met with representatives Quectel in 7 cities to have „hand on“ training with EC20 LTE modules.
The TDN5WI Series sets a new level of the power density in high performance DC/DC converter class.
Have you ever searched in datasheets or at supplier web for power supplies lifetime data? Probably without success.
Sometimes one picture can tell you more than thousand words. A big overwiev of all available QUECTEL GSM/3G/HSPA/LTE and GPS wireless modules:
Have you ever searched for a reliable, high efficiency step down regulator with Vin up to 30VDC? TSR-3 series from TRACOPOWER solves this problem.
When observing basic rules will the top quality AGM VRLA batteries last you up to 15 years - we will advise how.
A possibility to read an RFID card even on a longer distance is usually highly appreciated at its everyday usage.
Troubles with software IP stack? Your MCU is too busy handling Ethernet connection? Use hardwired TCP/IP IOP!
TMLM family of 4-20W AC/DC power supply is the right solution on most important requirements – constraint space, high efficiency and cost saving.
In the last period we can see, that producers go on the way of processors combined with interface converters grouped into a single chip. Company Wiznet also goes this way.
Company Quectel brings to a market its first high-speed module EC20 which you can try yourself. More than fifty developers worked for over ten months on this module.
Audible click, protection against backing out and disengagement together with many versions and attractive price – these are the Power Tripple Lock connectors.