Cerca risultati in video per categoria "Componenti elettromeccanici"

LappKabel company overview

LappKabel company overview

Thermomark line printers

Thermomark line printers

Overview of printing solution for marking in electronic industry.

WAGO 2060 SMT terminal blocks

WAGO 2060 SMT terminal blocks

Finder Master INTERFACE

Finder Master INTERFACE

ATTEND on Embedded World 2013

ATTEND on Embedded World 2013

SOS electronic provides products from Attend - Memory, SIM and Smart Card Sockets. SOS electronic visited them at fair Embedded world 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany... www.soselectronic.com/attend



Weller Tip Activator

Weller Tip Activator

Wago picoMAX series connectors

Wago picoMAX series connectors

Mini PCB connectors

Mini PCB connectors

Miniature easily applicable PCB connectors from Phoenix Contact

How reed switches are manufactured

How reed switches are manufactured

How a reed switch works

How a reed switch works

Mini PCB Terminal Blocks and PCB Connectors

Mini PCB Terminal Blocks and PCB Connectors

Reduce connection time and overall footprint with the Mini PCB Terminal Blocks series from Phoenix Contact. Terminate discrete wires to the board via spring, insulation displacement (IDC), or insulation piercing (IPC) technologies. Mount to the board with pin in paste or true surface mount, and take advantage of cost savings connections in the smallest spaces.

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