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The Basics of Crimp Quality from TE connectivity | SOS electronic

The Basics of Crimp Quality from TE connectivity | SOS electronic

TE Connectivity offers equipment and services tailored to optimize production uptime, prolong tooling lifespan, and reduce manufacturing waste, whether it's crimping a terminal onto a wire or attaching a connector to a board. Explore fundamental learning concepts to deepen your understanding of crimp theory in the wire harness industry. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules To improve the user experience and functionality, EVE devices can be used to upgrade the user interface of a wide range of devices including industrial machines (industrial controllers, machine tools, elevators) and household appliances, and in consumer electronics devices and many more applications. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Traco Power TEL 6 Series: Compact Power Solutions with Impressive Density | SOS electronic

Traco Power TEL 6 Series: Compact Power Solutions with Impressive Density | SOS electronic

The TEL 6 series represents an isolated 6 Watt converter lineup, encapsulated within an ultra-compact DIP-16 metal package. Featuring a wide 2:1 input voltage range, the TEL 6 series achieves a remarkable efficiency of up to 87%, facilitating operational temperatures of up to +70°C at full load and up to 85°C with 60% load. Overall they feature an economical solution for space critical and cost sensitive applications. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Winstar Company Introduction | SOS electronic

Winstar Company Introduction | SOS electronic

Winstar brand products are distributed with pride by SOS electronic company. Winstar Display Co. Ltd stands as a prominent manufacturer of TFT, OLED, LCD, VATN, and various other standard and customized displays. Established in 1998, the company has evolved into a leading force in the production of small and medium-sized displays. Winstar brand products are distributed with pride by SOS electronic company. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Winstar WEO128128B: Self-Illuminating OLED Display for Diverse Applications | SOS electronic

Winstar WEO128128B: Self-Illuminating OLED Display for Diverse Applications | SOS electronic

Winstar WEO128128B: Self-Illuminating OLED Display for Diverse Applications The WEO128128B belongs to the COG structure OLED display category, characterized by its incredibly slim profile and self-illuminating properties, eliminating the need for a backlight. It's designed to be lightweight and consume minimal power. This circular OLED module proves to be an excellent fit for a wide range of applications, including portable instruments, wearable devices, and various home applications. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Unlocking Intelligent Edge Computing Networking with the PUSR | SOS electronic

Unlocking Intelligent Edge Computing Networking with the PUSR | SOS electronic

Unlocking Intelligent Edge Computing Networking with the PUSR The PUSR Industrial Edge Gateway, with its impressive capabilities, can swiftly gather Modbus data in a matter of milliseconds. This device effectively consolidates data from all field devices and parameters, empowering the implementation of more sophisticated networking solutions. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

How to Get Started With Geehy | SOS electronic

How to Get Started With Geehy | SOS electronic

How to Get Started With Geehy Simple and clear instructions, first steps with Geehy MCU. How to use an open-source SW development tools for Geehy APM32 microcontrollers in the 64-bit Windows 10 operating system? Watch the video Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Winstar OLED Displays  | SOS electronic

Winstar OLED Displays | SOS electronic

Winstar OLED Displays Character OLED displays have indeed been on the market for decades, but there has been a significant shift in this area in recent years as more and more customers use their OLED alternative. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Weller WX Smart - Product Review (SK lang., SK&EN subt.) | SOS electronic

Weller WX Smart - Product Review (SK lang., SK&EN subt.) | SOS electronic

Weller WX Smart The recording is a Slovak language livestream of the "Morning 15-minute series with SOS electronic". This series is an introduction of the newest products in our portfolio. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

TDU 1 Traco Power Series – Compact unregulated 1 Watt DC DC converters  | SOS electronic

TDU 1 Traco Power Series – Compact unregulated 1 Watt DC DC converters | SOS electronic

TDU 1 Traco Power Series – Compact unregulated 1 Watt DC DC converters With built-in short circuit protection, 1500 VDC I/O isolation, and a wide operating temperature range from –40 to 85°C, they're perfect for space-critical applications in communication equipment, instrumentation, and industrial electronics. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

TDK-Lambda HWS-A 15-150W Industrial Power Supplies | SOS electronic

TDK-Lambda HWS-A 15-150W Industrial Power Supplies | SOS electronic

TDK-Lambda HWS-A 15-150W Industrial Power Supplies Introducing the HWS-A series: Five power levels (15W, 30W, 50W, 100W, and 150W) and versatile output voltages (3.3V to 48V). It comes with an industry-first limited lifetime warranty, setting a new standard of excellence since 2008. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

ADATA Industrial: Reliable Embedded Storage Provider | SOS electronic

ADATA Industrial: Reliable Embedded Storage Provider | SOS electronic

ADATA Industrial: Reliable Embedded Storage Provider Leading the memory business, ADATA company has expanded its investments to industries fundamental to propelling social advancement and sustainable development. Adata sees innovation as extending technology boundaries. The product category of ADATA Industrial includes Computer Memory, Memory Cards, SSDs, External SSDs, Power Banks, USB Cables, AI translators, etc. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

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