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Vídeos de SOS

Get OMNI in Just 15 Minutes

Get OMNI in Just 15 Minutes

Featuring a modular designed, the OMNI Series can be fitted with a number of modules to expand its base capabilities.

Weller WE 1010 station

Weller WE 1010 station

New WE station with excellent price/performance ratio.

SOS electronic webinar: Your IoT solution up and running within few hours

SOS electronic webinar: Your IoT solution up and running within few hours

Recording of the IQRF webinar. Speaker Mr.Simon Chudoba from IQRF introduced the IoT Starter Kit (IQRF + Up Board) in his presentation. We looked at LoRa, Sigfox, or Zigbee from IQRF technology. In addition to case studies from Industry 4.0, Smart City, Smart Building, we showed you a practical demonstrations by Ivona Spurná, as well.

Technical background of IoT tree

Technical background of IoT tree

It looks so easy and yet I still learned so much during its creation. What did I use for it? - ESP8266 WiFi module - Special Christmas LED lighting with WS2811 drivers - Raspberry B v3 - Raspberry camera (for everyone to see that the tree is really lighting up) Greetings from Matúš Čopík, author

Kariéra v SOS electronics

Kariéra v SOS electronics

Predstavenie firmy a jednotlivých oddelení v SOS electronic.

Buďte pripravení na 5G s 2J3757M

Buďte pripravení na 5G s 2J3757M

Nová anténa od spoločnosti 2J je vyvinutá priamo pre toto pásmo.

SOS electronic webinar: How best to take advantage of the fanless SBC and PC options

SOS electronic webinar: How best to take advantage of the fanless SBC and PC options

Ian Lin and Erik Seijner, product managers of the company, presented us with the latest information on AAEON products and their application in common life.

SOS electronic webinar: How to  create custom widgets for your GUI within minutes?

SOS electronic webinar: How to create custom widgets for your GUI within minutes?

MarkkuRiihonen, Product and Business Development Manager in 4D systems company, introduced Embedded Display solutions and the 4D workshop4 IDE (PRO) with the new Smart Widget tool.

Dremel® EZ SpeedClic™

Dremel® EZ SpeedClic™

Dremel EZ SpeedClic is the keyless action of quick change where accessories can be changed

Meet the new TiS Performance Series

Meet the new TiS Performance Series

Introducing 8 new IR cameras with up to 2.5x the resolution to quickly assess equipment health. To learn more, go to to download the product guide.

Quectel BG96 CatM/NBIoT Video Demo

Quectel BG96 CatM/NBIoT Video Demo

BG96 is a series of LTE Cat M1/NB1, EGPRS module. offering a maximum data rate of 375 kbps downlink and uplink. It features ultra low power consumption and provides pin to pin compatibility with Quectel LTE, NB IoT, UMTS/HSPA and GSM/GPRS modules.



There are more ways how to approach wireless mesh network algorithm. Learn how IQMESH operates and why IQRF networks are so robust and reliable.

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