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Resultados de búsqueda en vídeos por categoría "Módulos de comunicación"

Módulos de comunicación

SOS webinar: Move your GSM application to higher level with Quectel M95

SOS webinar: Move your GSM application to higher level with Quectel M95

Programme of webinar: - Overview of Quectel’s products - GSM/GPRS & GNSS & WCDMA modules - Presentation of M95 - Features and Functions and Highlights - AT command of M95 - Main AT command(SMS/Call/TCP/UDP - AT commands of special function(FTP/MMS*/HTTP/Ecall/QuecLocator)

SOS electronic Webinar - Be online with the Lantronix xPico Wifi

SOS electronic Webinar - Be online with the Lantronix xPico Wifi

Programme of webinar: - Lantronix, Company and Products Overview - xPico Wifi Overview - Typical Applications - Zero Host Load - Power Management - Size and Portability - Simultaneous Client and Soft AP - On device Web Server - Reliable OTA updates - Development Board

SOS Webinar - Wireless technologies without a long term programming

SOS Webinar - Wireless technologies without a long term programming

Introduction to IQRF - complete technologies for wireless MESH networks Complete solution of wireless MESH network Transceiver module as a basic network element Wireless MESH networks without programming How to start with the IQRF effectively

Learn about new possibilities of USB connectivity with FTDI X-chip

Learn about new possibilities of USB connectivity with FTDI X-chip

USB OTG (On The Go)

USB OTG (On The Go)

WIZnet on Embedded World 2013

WIZnet on Embedded World 2013

SOS electronic provides products from WIZnet - Hardwired TCP/IP Embedded Ethernet Modules and Controllers, WiFi and Webserver modules. SOS electronic visited them at fair Embedded world 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany... www.soselectronic.com/wiznet

Lantronix on Embedded World 2013

Lantronix on Embedded World 2013

SOS electronic provides products from Lantronix - Secure communications solutions to connect and control any type of equipment via the Internet. SOS electronic visited them at fair Embedded world 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany... www.soselectronic.com/lantronix

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix xPort, xPico

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix xPort, xPico

24.-27.9.2012 - Warsaw, Bratislava, Székesfehérvár

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix Xport Pro

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix Xport Pro

Lantronix xPrintServer

Lantronix xPrintServer

xPrintServer fills the gap between the productivity of iPads and iPhones and the inability to print from those devices to office networked printers. As small as any iPhone, xPrintServer leverages Lantronix' patented technologies, along with open industry standards to enable wireless printing to nearly any printer attached to a network. No software. No apps to buy. No configuration necessary.

Quectel M10 GPRS modem GPRS Server hyperterminal test

Quectel M10 GPRS modem GPRS Server hyperterminal test

A Quectel M10 GPRS modem used as a server. My Zte Blade connects to it to deliver some text which is displayed on hyperterminal. http://sunbizhosting.co.uk/~spiral/blog/

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