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Webinarios de SOS: acceda a información técnica online

Webinarios pasados

SOS webinar - Move your GSM application one level up

SOS webinar - Move your GSM application one level up

There were more than 60 Quectel webinar participants. What was it all about? Details about AT commands were interesting mainly for developers. You can watch the video record from this webinar online.

SOS webinar - Program your displays in a split second with FTDI

SOS webinar - Program your displays in a split second with FTDI

FTDI was a big success again - more than 100 participants were registered for this webinar. And all of this happened thanks to EVE. You can watch the video record from this webinar online...

SOS webinar:  Simple and accurate humidity and temperature measurement with Sensirion sensors

SOS webinar: Simple and accurate humidity and temperature measurement with Sensirion sensors

Did you miss the webinar? Never mind. You can watch the whole SENSIRION presentation online.

SOS webinar - Be online with xPico Wifi

SOS webinar - Be online with xPico Wifi

Lantronix has started the autumn series of webinars and it has been a success also because of 85 participants who were "online" thanks to xPico Wifi.

SOS Webinar: How to integrate wireless technologies into your devices without a long-term programming?

SOS Webinar: How to integrate wireless technologies into your devices without a long-term programming?

Already 115 of our customers who attended IQRF webinar found out that wireless networks can be built in a short period of time and without a lot of programming using IQRF modules.

SOS webinar - How to program graphics of 4D Systems displays in just a few minutes

SOS webinar - How to program graphics of 4D Systems displays in just a few minutes

86 participants saw the real demonstrations of fast 4D Systems displays programming live.

Webinar -Learn about new possibilities of USB connectivity with FTDI X-chip

Webinar -Learn about new possibilities of USB connectivity with FTDI X-chip

In April we have started with SOS webinars. 191 participants were registered for the first webinar with FTDI.

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