Switched-mode power supplies for PCBs play a crucial role in powering a wide range of electronic devices. They are highly popular due to their compact size, high performance, efficiency, flexible design, and favorable pricing.
Myrra extended its product range of AC / DC converters by 20, 40 and 60W models that can be soldered directly to PCBs. Their technical parameters ensure high reliability and insulating durability.
Myrra builds on the success of the 47000 series with the new AC/DC converter series 48000. Let's check some of its features in the given example.
Myrra adds more power, 7.5W and 10W AC/DC converters for PCB mounting with 3.3-24VDC output voltage now available.
If we´re deciding whether to use a classic transformer or better a modern electronic switch-mode power supply (SMPS), it´s good to realize pros and cons of both technologies.
Switch-mode power supplies are very perspective, what was testified by your participation in our contest for a sample of these power supplies.
Because of a growing interest in switch-mode AC/DC modules Myrra 47000 series, you can find another types in our stock immediately available.
Series 47000, designed as a direct replacement of classic transformers brings more than you might expect.
With transformers for switch-mode power supplies from company Myrra you can avoid a demanding high frequency transformer design and you can focus only on a design of an SMPS according to your own specific demands.
On the 20-th anniversary ocassion of SOS electronic brands, we have prepared monthly an attractive offer on selected brand , which will last till end of the year 2011. Get presents for your orders. Take advantage of special offer on 20th each month until 14:00.
At the beginning of the year 2011 French poducer of encapsulated PCB transformers introduced new models of encapsulated AC/DC switching power supplies.