Overview of changes in delivery dates and product prices in 09/2022.
Systems and data security are one of the most frequently discussed topics these days. But at the same time, companies usually start paying closer attention to it only when it is literally too late. With the increasing amount of processed data and the increasingly stringent legislation on data protection, it must be in the interest of all companies to protect data with all available tools. We talked to Ladislav Rybár, the manager of the ICT department, which also covers data security.
Overview of changes in delivery dates and product prices in 08/2022.
We moved our subsidiary in the Czech Republic to a new address. You can find us in the technology park at Edisonová 5 in Brno, Královo Pole. We believe that this step will bring us even closer to you and improve the quality of our services. How? Continue reading to find out.
At SOS electronic, we see students of secondary vocational schools as long-term partners. That is also why we prepared interesting, but mainly practical competition questions for them throughout the 2021/2022 school year.
You could visit the world Innovation, Industry and Culture Expo Dubai 2020 until March 31, 2022. This spectacular event takes place every 5 years and lasts 6 months. The exhibition was originally supposed to start in 2020, but due to pandemic restrictions, its opening was postponed to 2021. Nevertheless, all 192 countries that were registered took part in it.
After a long time without any personal visits, exhibitions, and conferences, we can now finally enjoy many events, public discussions, and planned visits.
Progress in the digitization of medical technologies such as artificial intelligence, VR/AR, integrated interface circuits, the use of MEMS or nanotechnology, is changing the future of healthcare right in front of our eyes. It is very dynamic. And thus, if professionals want to keep up with this pace, they need to stay up to date and embrace new technologies concerning healthcare.
The end of the school year also affected us this time. We have organized an open day for high school students to draw them even more intensively into our world. Over the course of two days, we introduced something from the world of technology and our work, trade, purchasing, marketing, and logistics to first-year high school students in the form of an interactive game and a personal tour through the departments. We put a lot into it, so we are very happy that it turned out great.
For us, the academic ground is a place where technical progress built on scientific principles is born. That is also why it was an honour for us to be a part of the 32nd International Conference Radioelektronika 2022 of the Technical University in Košice.
A solution that primarily concerns light, but it affects something else too. Light has a major impact on our lives, and therefore on our health too. The world has significantly changed after we started using artificial light. Unfortunately, not only for the better. However, we are actively addressing the negative impact of artificial lighting. One way to improve the situation is through intelligent public lighting.
After quite a long break, we again got a chance to participate in the Evertiq Expo conference in Warsaw. It is one of the few exhibitions that has opened for the professional public even this year.