Electronics development is in constantly progress and sometimes is difficult to choose the best solution from such an amount of products. The product managers of SOS electronic always choose and involve to our portfolio offer only highly reliable products with an emphasis on their quality
IN MANY YEARS OF PRACTICAL APPLICATION. The HAMEG Modular System Series 8000 has proven its value to the customer. The advantages of this Modular System have been demonstrated by several 100,000 modules sold. The unexcelled price-performance ratio and the enormous flexibility of the plug-in system allow you to adapt your measurement setups quickly and cost effectively to changing requirements.
VA505B recognizes resistance and capacitance of the different types of resistors, capacitors, diodes and helps to identifie low-cost components. Auto-scan pen meter VA505B brings wider measuring range as well as an autoranging and an automatic recognition of the measurement according to measured component. There is no more need to set the type of the component before measuring it. VA505B can be used also directly in the measured circuits in certain conditions.