FLIR comes with a generation of miniature thermal cameras with parameters that put it in the middle class. 160x120 pixels, -20 ° C to 400 ° C, 15cm focal length and custom battery to save battery power on your smartphone...
The lowest possible energy consumption or TLD function. Middle and Professional series of multi-meters handle this hands down.
Because it switches uAmps? Not really. It’s more common to switch several Amps. Because of its size? It is quite questionable what is considered big and what is already small. Then why so?
We organised a series of workshops about the Android Things system and processor modules TechNexion . In Brno and also in Bratislava we tested how simple it is to create a graphic user interface, for example access point for the attendance system.
New Kingbright UV LEDs are suitable for this and many other applications. Even though it may seem that they do not glow at all at first sight, they are the genuine UV light sources.
3D TLC NAND flash based products are already dominating in SSD for consumers. Sophisticated NAND FLASH manufacturing technology, new advanced FLASH controllers and firmware now allow using 3D TLC NAND in industrial grade SSDs.
Let us see 3 typical application examples of WAGO 221 Series. The unbeatable advantages are fast installation, time saving and reliable function. Pull the lever up, insert a conductor and push the lever back down. All done.
The BOXER-6405 and BOXER-6405(M) are compact embedded computers for smart factory applications. With their only 37mm thickness, they can be deployed almost anywhere, and their -20°C to 60°C operating temperature range means that they can handle harsh, factory environments.
Three leaders in their field present at our workshop in Kosice. Representatives from the 2J antennae, Slovak Telekom and QuectelWireless Solutions could be approached by the workshop participants directly.
Not only high temperatures but also oils, solvents and other chemical agents can easily damage common cable. We´ll advise you how to choose correctly if you have an application in harsh conditions.
The TEQ-40WIR series is a family of isolated high performance DC-DC converter modules with ultra-wide 4:1 input voltage ranges and operating temperature of up to +92°C and it comes in a rugged metal case.
We have gone through a lot of conversations with great people from our field and enthusiastic students from the electro-technical field during the successful Profesia Days career event in Slovakia.