The stress before press conferences with journalists has long vanished. All missed flights and taxis finally arrived at the destination. The vocal cords are recovering and the feet stop hurting. The Electronica exhibition is officially over!
We organised a series of workshops about the Android Things system and processor modules TechNexion . In Brno and also in Bratislava we tested how simple it is to create a graphic user interface, for example access point for the attendance system.
Three leaders in their field present at our workshop in Kosice. Representatives from the 2J antennae, Slovak Telekom and QuectelWireless Solutions could be approached by the workshop participants directly.
We have gone through a lot of conversations with great people from our field and enthusiastic students from the electro-technical field during the successful Profesia Days career event in Slovakia.
We did it. The demanding "deep dive" training for serial port experts. If you could not attend, we offer you a recording.
Onboard memory offers great immunity against shock and vibration, but repairing is difficult and upgrade in the field is impossible. XR-DIMM memory module solves these shortcoming
Majority of IoT devices are nowadays secured the same way as regular e-mail. That means, nowise. Data misuse can be, however, very harmful to end users of the device.
Did you miss our morning training on serial ports? Never mind, we have a recording for you.