SOS electronic has developed over the course of three decades from a small Central European company into a recognized distributor of electronic components and technological solutions. It delivers high-quality components from global manufacturers to customers in the field of industrial production to more than 100 countries around the world.
Overview of changes in delivery dates and product prices in 04/2023.
This international exhibition is one of the largest in the world, focusing on electronics and electrical engineering. Along with more than 2,000 exhibitors, we at SOS electronic also took advantage of the opportunity to be inspired by the biggest players on the electrotechnical market and to meet our partners.
Overview of changes in delivery dates and product prices in 03/2023.
Mr. Bátorfi has been working at Intelliport Solutions for more than 14 years. Topic of Industrial solutions in IoT is his hobby, passion and fortunately his work as well. Intelliport, which is based in Budapest and operates internationally, offers solutions for mobile communication, and deals with the development of business and industrial systems.
Overview of changes in delivery dates and product prices in 02/2023.
Download the top ten most-read articles published on our website in 2022. All articles are in English and the e-book itself is in PDF format.
Overview of changes in delivery dates and product prices in 01/2023.
When organizing the DEBATECH online conference, we always strive to prepare all the important news from the world of technology and electronics. And this year was no exception. We wanted to please the visionaries, technology enthusiasts, but also experts in electrical engineering who are literally hungry for inspiring professional lectures.
Overview of changes in delivery dates and product prices in 12/2022.
Solidarity, togetherness and help in times of need. These are the values we recognize in our company. We have been on the market for more than 30 years and we’ve grown to become a global distributor of electronic components. With growth comes responsibility, and we always cared what happens in our region. That's why we founded the SOS Aid Fund in 2005 and started helping those who need it the most.
On behalf of the entire SOS electronic company, I´d like to wish you a happy, healthy, and successful new year 2023!