HW design engineers are no longer required to choose between robust fault tolerance and high performance in a RS485 transceivers - the LTC2862 offers both.
NerO is dealing with the fundamental drawbacks of the widely-used Arduino UNO R3 – inefficient onboard linear voltage regulator.
BC95 – ultra small size, ultra-low power consumption. As an authorized distributor and a major partner of Quectel, we are giving you the possibility to pre-order sample for free right now!
With the new MC60 Quectel breaks the dimension limits. The world smallest GSM/GNSS/Bluetooth combo module now is available for personal tracking devices.
2J, a well known antennae manufacturer introduces a new 3G/4G LTE PIFA antenna.
If you need an industry grade, reliable and feature reach WiFi to Ethernet bridge for your application, the PW2050 is the right choise for you.
The number of UHF RFID applications is rising exponentially. SOS electronic has a new partner for UHF RFID products with a comprehensive product line and deep expertise in UHF RFID
If you are looking for a powerful BLE module capable of a standalone operation, probably the MBH7BLZ0X module is the right choice for you.
The common denominator of these seemingly unrelated numbers is Pizzaworkshop Quectel. 68 developers from the 4 countries met with representatives Quectel in 7 cities to have „hand on“ training with EC20 LTE modules.
If you need a reliable Industrial grade Ethernet module for your next IoT project in SMD package the XT-FEMTO-SXLfrom AK-NORD is a right choice for you.
Sometimes one picture can tell you more than thousand words. A big overwiev of all available QUECTEL GSM/3G/HSPA/LTE and GPS wireless modules:
A possibility to read an RFID card even on a longer distance is usually highly appreciated at its everyday usage.