Many of us already probably faced the question how to supply a 110V device from a European 230V mains. We offer to you AC converters, by which you can supply such a device without problems.
In a recent article we introduced to you miniature SODIMM sized SBCs of a company Voipac inserted into our list of supplied components. Today we would like to describe to you more in detail possibilities of usage of single board computers produced by this Slovak company.
For a safe storage of valued data in demanding industrial conditions, a reliable medium is necessary. APACER comes with a fifth generation of Compact Flash cards Industrial CFC5 and CFC5 Plus.
The LT®5400 is a quad resistor network with excellent matching specifications over the entire temperature range.
We started in small spaces with its own stock and one sales representative. So,as gradually increased number of our customers who cooperate with us til nowdays, so it was increasing the number of new colleagues.
On the 20-th anniversary ocassion of SOS electronic brands, we have prepared monthly an attractive offer on selected brand , which will last till end of the year 2011. Get presents for your orders. Take advantage of special offer on 20th each month until 14:00.
In 2009 Italian producer of screwed PCB terminal blocks introduced new models of non – screwed terminal blocks numbered MM151-5-P, which are one side opened (for the folding possibility) and end plate was needed.
We have introduced a new series of TSR-3 TRACO converters to our product range. They are characterized by small size and high efficiency. You get the converter, which does not heat and fits in well even there is no space for the standard stabilizer with cooler.
The distributor SOS electronic included to its product range new cost-effective i.MX258-based SODIMM EMBEDDED solution from Voipac, which is designed to speed up your development and integration process, and includes complex boards with a number of the most required peripherals. Protected by stylish aluminum case, this product can be used directly within customer system or as an embedded computer running Linux, Android or Windows CE operating system.
Make order of Hammond product in value more than 100 € and together with the order you get the latest news Hammond enclosures series 1550 series as a gift.
Enclosures of 1550 series comes standard without a gasket with IP54 and the possibility of buying a separate seal (for IP66 or IP68). They are produced in the color natural aluminum or satin black. As an additional accessories are supplied four screws.
Just in April this year 20 years of SOS electronic brand existence will be completed. 20 years in the life cycle of our group is undoubtedly significant and this period certainly has been affected by many milestones ...