SOS cinema

Zhaga. Smart Lighting for Smart Cities

Zhaga. Smart Lighting for Smart Cities

Introduction of the Zhaga Consortium and an explanation of the concept of interchangeability with examples from different Zhaga Books.

WIZnet WizFi360 EVB Mini

WIZnet WizFi360 EVB Mini

All you need for setting up WizFi360-EVB-Mini with Arduino IDE, connecting to Wi-Fi AP and running as TCP Client in a quick start guide tutorial from WIZnet.



11 customers in 2 countries, more than 800km in car... We've gone on a tour to you, directly to your companies. We believe that in today's digital era, it is truly valuable to see our products live and have chance to talk about them.

SOS everywhere

SOS everywhere

We are reinventing the way of electronic components distribution. As a multinational distribution company, we supply our electrical components everywhere.

SOS electronic_Presents Everywhere

SOS electronic_Presents Everywhere

Thank you for your lasting trust and we wish you full bags of christmas presents. May the 2020 be built around pleasant surprises and building valuable relationships with the people you care about, just as we do. Your SOS electronic team

Měření kvality vzduchu v praktickém příkladu (CZ)

Měření kvality vzduchu v praktickém příkladu (CZ)

V tomto videu se zaměříme na praktickou ukázku použití vývojové desky NerO, 3,5“ TFT displeje CleO35 a desky senzorů ESS-SGP30-SHTC1. Tyto desky propojíme tak, aby nám vznikla kompletní sestava pro měření a zobrazování hodnot okolního vzduchu.

Let us introduce TechNexion PICO-PI-IMX8M-MINI development kit

Let us introduce TechNexion PICO-PI-IMX8M-MINI development kit

See what modules kit contains, how easy is to flash demo image to the kit and answers to interesting questions.

About MEC

About MEC

MEC Switches (APEM Group) is a leading manufacturer of high quality switches with sales worldwide. Standard product offering can be adapted to meet customers specific needs.

Schurter MSM LA Series

Schurter MSM LA Series

Metal line anti-vandal switches.

RTB2000 Oscilloscope with FFT analysis

RTB2000 Oscilloscope with FFT analysis

R&S®RTB2000 - Frequency Analysis mode as a standard feature

Apacer Factory Tour

Apacer Factory Tour

Apacer is a world-leading supplier specializing in the research and development, design, manufacturing, and marketing of industrial solid-state drives (SSD), consumer digital products, and memory modules.

More than 100 new active tips for each soldering joint

More than 100 new active tips for each soldering joint

The largest Weller product range expansion includes three soldering handles and more than 100 tips with active heating, suitable for microscopic work to solder coolers and LEDs on PCB with aluminum base. 3 active tip series for maximum precision, power, and performance.

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