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Výsledky vyhledávání ve videích pro značku "TDK-LAMBDA"

TDK-Lambda Corporation, a group company of TDK Corporation, was established in Tokyo, Japan, in 2008. Founded through a merger with TDK’s power supply business, we now are a leading company in the manufacture of power supplies for industrial equipment. Although there are several thousand power supply makers operating around the world, TDK-Lambda is the only one with a full-function setup embracing everything from development and manufacture to sales and maintenance. They have R&D sites in all five key areas of the world?Japan, China, Europe, the United States, and Asia. By taking account of the special characteristics of each area, TDK-Lambda meets the various power supply needs of customers.
TDK-Lambda HWS-A 15-150W Industrial Power Supplies | SOS electronic

TDK-Lambda HWS-A 15-150W Industrial Power Supplies | SOS electronic

TDK-Lambda HWS-A 15-150W Industrial Power Supplies Introducing the HWS-A series: Five power levels (15W, 30W, 50W, 100W, and 150W) and versatile output voltages (3.3V to 48V). It comes with an industry-first limited lifetime warranty, setting a new standard of excellence since 2008. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Programmable power supplies GENESYS+

Programmable power supplies GENESYS+

Rack-mountable power supplies GENESYS+ series has the highest power density and lightest weight available for its size with a comprehensive set of user-friendly interfaces. Really just pros! It´s GENESYS+ from TDK Lambda.

TDK Lambda Products Overview

TDK Lambda Products Overview

One of the world’s largest manufacturers of power supplies offers innovative and reliable power supplies for the widest spectrum of applications – medical, industrial, comms, broadcast, renewable, COTS, LED. Choose TDK-Lambda for excellent service and technical solutions for all your power needs.

SOS webinar - Extend the life of the power supply to the max

SOS webinar - Extend the life of the power supply to the max

Have you ever searched in datasheets or at supplier web for power supplies lifetime data? Probably without success. This webinar will provide you with more information about power supplies lifetime.

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