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WIHA - Wiha speedE® - Drive with speed, fix with feeling

Wiha speedE® - For all those who provide service and maintenance, for all those who work on live parts, for versatile use in trade and households. Wherever you use it, speedE® will prove to be the ideal tool for virtually every screw-fastening task. Drive with speed, fix with feeling!

Videa výrobce

Stripping insulating crimping with the Wiha TriCut installations pliers | SOS electronic

Stripping insulating crimping with the Wiha TriCut installations pliers | SOS electronic

Three Functions – One Tool The specially angled plier head ensures that cables are stripped and skinned lengthwise along the cable and pliers, using an ergonomic approach that saves users from applying excessive force. The TriCut thus offers a decisive advantage over other pliers, especially in confined spaces such as junction and distribution boxes. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Wiha speedE II - upgraded successor to the unique e-screwdriver

Wiha speedE II - upgraded successor to the unique e-screwdriver

Higher work efficiency and time savings during production. These are the values of the new product of Wiha, the speedE II e-screwdriver . Thanks to the even higher rotation speed, new function for setting the tightening torque and LED light with a higher power, the development and production of devices become even better.

Související články

speedE -  První manuální šroubovák s elektrickým pohonem

speedE - První manuální šroubovák s elektrickým pohonem

Šroubujte s rychlostí, dotáhněte s citem! Pokud je šroubovák klíčovým nástrojem pro Vaši každodenní práci, s unikátním Wiha speedE zvládnete všechno 2x rychleji.

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