BRIDGETEK - Embedded Video Engines (EVE): Powering Digital Displays for Enhanced Customer Experience

Bridgetek, a leading global semiconductor company, brings you the future of digital displays with our Embedded Video Engines (EVE). Our EVE family of display controllers are designed to add attractive and fully featured touch-enabled graphical user interfaces to a wide range of devices, improving user experience and functionality.

Videá výrobcu

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules

EVE Series by Bridgetek: Versatile MCU and Modules To improve the user experience and functionality, EVE devices can be used to upgrade the user interface of a wide range of devices including industrial machines (industrial controllers, machine tools, elevators) and household appliances, and in consumer electronics devices and many more applications. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

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