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EA uniTFTs - Readable in direct sunlight (Smart 2" PCAP)

EA uniTFTs - Readable in direct sunlight (Smart 2" PCAP)

The uniTFTs series from Electronic Assembly offers perfect readability both outside and inside. It is perfect for an outdoor application with the direct sunlight or in a very bright environment in the operating theatre, at the dentist, in the photo studio etc.

CRC Heavy-duty Citro Cleaner

CRC Heavy-duty Citro Cleaner

Multi-Surface cleaner for safe cleaning of machinery and equipment during maintenance activities. Suitable for use on a wide variety of hard surfaces throughout the industry, traffic, as well as the office.

xPico 250 Series: Embedded Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Combo IoT Gateway

xPico 250 Series: Embedded Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Combo IoT Gateway

Delivering seamless and secure Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, the Lantronix xPico 250 line of embedded IoT gateways allows OEMS to build and deploy their smart connected products with reduced complexity and lower risk.

5 Fluke clamp meters and testers for general use

5 Fluke clamp meters and testers for general use

Check out 5 FLUKE digital clamp meters suitable for commercial and residential use: Fluke 324, Fluke 365, Fluke 902FC, Fluke 375FC and Fluke 368FC.

Thermal Protection with RTS Series

Thermal Protection with RTS Series

Reflowable Thermal Switch (RTS) from Schurter protects highly integrated power electronics from overheating, such as those used in the automotive, medical and many other industries.

Melf, Mini Melf & SMA package technology of semiconductors

Melf, Mini Melf & SMA package technology of semiconductors

The video from the manufacturer Diotec shows the advantages of Melf and Mini Melf package technology over lead frame technology. They offer a wide range of plastic Melf and Mini Melf Diodes, 100% produced in Europe.

About Friwo

About Friwo

FRIWO is the first choice when it comes to sophisticated and innovative power supply solutions.

Sensirion SLF3x - Quick Start Guide

Sensirion SLF3x - Quick Start Guide

The video shows what components the liquid flow evaluation kit includes and how to get started within a few minutes.

uLCD-90 - 9

uLCD-90 - 9

The larger display has been added to all the benefits of working with 4D Systems displays. The new 9” module is available with resistive or capacitive touch panel and with adapters for Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

Unconditionally steady Apacer XR-DIMM module

Unconditionally steady Apacer XR-DIMM module

Unconditionally steady XR-DIMM module - rugged memory module is the first on the market to meet the exacting standards of the US RTCA DO-160G test.

TDK Lambda Products Overview

TDK Lambda Products Overview

One of the world’s largest manufacturers of power supplies offers innovative and reliable power supplies for the widest spectrum of applications – medical, industrial, comms, broadcast, renewable, COTS, LED. Choose TDK-Lambda for excellent service and technical solutions for all your power needs.

 2J Antennas production

2J Antennas production

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