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USR IOT - USR-DR301: Gateway to Serial-Ethernet Communication | SOS electronic

USR-DR301: Gateway to Serial-Ethernet Communication

The USR-DR301 is a versatile RS232 to Ethernet converter that enables seamless data transmission between serial and Ethernet networks.
This device acts as a protocol converter, translating RS485 data into Ethernet network data packets.

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Unlocking Intelligent Edge Computing Networking with the PUSR | SOS electronic

Unlocking Intelligent Edge Computing Networking with the PUSR | SOS electronic

Unlocking Intelligent Edge Computing Networking with the PUSR The PUSR Industrial Edge Gateway, with its impressive capabilities, can swiftly gather Modbus data in a matter of milliseconds. This device effectively consolidates data from all field devices and parameters, empowering the implementation of more sophisticated networking solutions. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

What is a serial device server and how to apply it?

What is a serial device server and how to apply it?

What is a serial device server and how to apply it? USR N-series are network-based serial device servers that connect serial devices such as PLC, meters, sensors serial printers, and card readers to TCP/IP network. Data coming from the Ethernet port is directly sent to the serial port. Data coming from the serial port is directly sent to the Ethernet port allowing bi-directional communication. Check our regular product information on SOS electronic social networks: Facebook and Twitter. Follow us!

Lora Converter USR-LG206-P from USR IOT

Lora Converter USR-LG206-P from USR IOT

TECHNEWS OF THE WEEK: USR-LG206-P | USR IOT USR-LG206-P supports LoRa USR IOT Point-to-Point network protocol and can realize communication between two serial interfaces while using two USR-LG206-P modules. The converter offers long communication distance, low power consumption and high sensitivity.

About USR IoT

About USR IoT

USR IOT Technology Limited, as a communication expert of industrial IoT, focuses on serial data networking communication in IoT and M2M field.

Súvisiace články

USR-DR301: Univerzálne sieťové riešenie na DIN lištu od USR IOT

USR-DR301: Univerzálne sieťové riešenie na DIN lištu od USR IOT

Priemyselná automatizácia a inteligentná infraštruktúra si vyžadujú spoľahlivé a efektívne komunikačné riešenia. Konvertor USR-DR301 od USR IOT na DIN lištu ponúka jednoduchý a efektívny spôsob pripojenia sériových zariadení k sieti ethernet.

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