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AAEON - Success for courier service with RTC tablet from AAEON

Watch how AAEON's RTC 700 series tablet helped this young but extreme entrepreneur be successful and enjoy his life.

Videá výrobcu

AAEON Industrial Panel PCs | SOS electronic

AAEON Industrial Panel PCs | SOS electronic

AAEON Industrial Panel PCs | SOS electronic AAEON expands its OMNI series of panel PCs with new models powered by 12th Gen Intel Alder Lake U processors. These enhanced PCs offer cutting-edge features like DDR5 4800 memory support, faster 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, and a high-speed M.2 2280 PCIe 4.0 [x4] slot for storage expansion. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Unboxing AAEON Boxer-8320AI-A1

Unboxing AAEON Boxer-8320AI-A1

The BOXER-8320AI has the power of the 6th Generation Intel® Core™ i3 Mobile Processor. It is fanless, built with a din-rail mount design, and the advanced thermal design of the BOXER-8320AI allow it to operate in conditions from -20°C to 60°C.

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Demo Visual

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Demo Visual

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON Part 4 - Demo Visual

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Flashing Image

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Flashing Image

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON Part 3 - Flashing Image

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Product Line

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Product Line

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON Part 1 - Product Line

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Success Stories

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON - Success Stories

SOS electronic webinar with AAEON: Part 2 - Success Stories

Get OMNI in Just 15 Minutes

Get OMNI in Just 15 Minutes

Featuring a modular designed, the OMNI Series can be fitted with a number of modules to expand its base capabilities.

SOS electronic webinar: How best to take advantage of the fanless SBC and PC options

SOS electronic webinar: How best to take advantage of the fanless SBC and PC options

Ian Lin and Erik Seijner, product managers of the company, presented us with the latest information on AAEON products and their application in common life.

Súvisiace články

Prečo používať odolné tablety AAEON

Prečo používať odolné tablety AAEON

Sú spoľahlivé, odolné a môžete ich používať aj v rukaviciach. Sú navrhnuté pre prácu vo vonkajšom prostredí, napr. pri servise a údržbe priemyselných zariadení, v stavebníctve, doprave, logistike a skladovaní. Vyskúšajte si jeden z ponúkaných typov zadarmo a presvedčte sa sami.

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