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FLUKE - Meet the new TiS Performance Series

Introducing 8 new IR cameras with up to 2.5x the resolution to quickly assess equipment health. To learn more, go to to download the product guide.

Videá výrobcu

Fluke 773 Milliamp Clamp Meter | SOS electronic

Fluke 773 Milliamp Clamp Meter | SOS electronic

Fluke 773 Milliamp Clamp Meter Streamline your maintenance operations with the Fluke 773. Its portable design and ability to measure 4-20 mA signals without shutdown maximizes productivity and reduce downtime. Based on practical reviews, the Fluke 773 has proven to be highly effective for tasks such as troubleshooting current loops, working with building controllers, and calibrating various energy meters. Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel

Electrical tester Fluke T5-1000

Electrical tester Fluke T5-1000

Introduction of voltage, continuity and current tester Fluke T5 in practice.

5 Fluke clamp meters and testers for general use

5 Fluke clamp meters and testers for general use

Check out 5 FLUKE digital clamp meters suitable for commercial and residential use: Fluke 324, Fluke 365, Fluke 902FC, Fluke 375FC and Fluke 368FC.

Fluke TiS Thermal Imaging Scanner

Fluke TiS Thermal Imaging Scanner

See the features of the new Fluke TiS Thermal Imaging Scanner



Fluke connect

Fluke connect

Unique family of wirelessly connectable measuring devices offering user friendliness and high security.

Súvisiace články

Fluke TiS 45 – Flexibilné ručné zaostrenie? Samozrejme

Fluke TiS 45 – Flexibilné ručné zaostrenie? Samozrejme

Kvalitné, ostré termosnímky z termokamier TiS a za rozumnú cenu. Ideálny kompromis.

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