Rugged, reliable and compact thermal camera with cloud connectivity and Wi-Fi. This powerful, pocket-portable tool makes it easier to inspect, document issues, and instantly share results with team or customers. Onboard FLIR Ignite™ cloud connectivity with backup, storage, and sharing, MSX, 160x120px resolution, 3,5” LCD screen, 5MPx visual camera, operating battery life up to 4 hrs, built-in tripod mount and many more benefits.
The new FLIR Exx-Series of advanced thermal imaging cameras offer superior resolution, precise laser-assisted autofocusing, and the option of interchangeable lenses – so you can target any component, survey from top to bottom, identify potential points of failure and avoid costly shutdowns.
FLIR announced the new TG130 Spot Thermal Camera that allows do-it-yourself homeowners and small business owners to quickly find and troubleshoot temperature-related issues around the house. Designed for seasonal home inspections and home repairs, the TG130 helps visually pinpoint temperature issues that can help reduce home energy costs.
This video demonstrates how to analyze images using FLIR Tools. You can make adjustments to the scale, color palette, and object parameters. With MSX images you can switch between the various Fusion modes. Temperature measurements can be made using a variety of tools, and you can add notes to the image.
Tool with excellent price/ performance ratio suitable for many industry segments.
FLIR ponúka generáciu miniatúrnych termokamier, parametre ktorých ju radia do strednej triedy. Rozlíšenie 160x120pix, teplotný rozsah -20°C až 400°C, ohnisková vzdialenosť 15cm a ešte aj vlastná batéria, ktorá ušetrí energiu vášmu smartfónu.
Kolískou značky SOS electronic sa stala práve pobočka v Brne. Všetko sa to začalo 5.4.1991, keď vtedy v ešte spoločnej Česko-Slovenskej republike vznikla spoločnosť S.O.S. Electronic, spol. s r.o. so sídlom v Brne.