SCHURTER - Thermal Protection with RTS Series

Reflowable Thermal Switch (RTS) from Schurter protects highly integrated power electronics from overheating, such as those used in the automotive, medical and many other industries.

Videoclipurile producătorului

Schurter FMLB-41 - Cost-Optimized EMC Filter

Schurter FMLB-41 - Cost-Optimized EMC Filter

TECHNEWS OF THE WEEK: Schurter FMLB-41 Power Line, Filter 250VAC 10A Chassis Mount Schurter provides a wide range of standard products ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Products include single and three phase line filters with or without IEC power entry module, chokes, pulse transformers and driver modules.

Touchless pushbutton TTS series from Schurter

Touchless pushbutton TTS series from Schurter

TECHNEWS OF THE WEEK: Schurter TTS series "The need to create a touchless button is a result of the present time and the increased demand for a higher level of hygiene in the operation of devices used by a large number of people or the general public," says Pavol Buhla, head of the product specialists’ department. There are various technologies that can be used for touchless switching. SCHURTER TTS switches offer high reliability since they have no moving parts and their lifetime is more than 20 million switching cycles.

Schurter MSM LA Series

Schurter MSM LA Series

Metal line anti-vandal switches.

Articole pe aceeaşi temă

Rămâneți în siguranță cu siguranțele termice Schurter

Rămâneți în siguranță cu siguranțele termice Schurter

Dispozitivele electronice moderne conțin componente din ce în ce mai puternice, integrate în cel mai mic spațiu posibil, ceea ce poate duce la o avalanșă termică, ce distruge componentele și poate cauza incendii. Siguranțele termice RTS de la Schurter oferă o soluție.

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