Flick over the pages of our new SOSnews 1/2024 on web

The newest issue of SOSnews 2024 is already in electronic form on our website in 5 languages. Please take a look.

You can read in the newest issue of SOSnews:


  • SOS electronic Supporting Education,
  • Science, and Research

  • SOS electronic is a Proud Partner of Košice Peace Marathon

  • Achieving AEO Status: A Guarantee of Our Company's Stability


  • From a Garage to a European Player: ACRIOS Systems and Their Journey to Top IoT Solutions


  • Make Wire-to-Wire Connection Easy with Euroclamp Plug-In Connector
  • Arduino OPTA – Micro PLC with IoT Features
  • Medical Power Entry Modules with Filter by Schurter
  • Do You Know the Advantages of Apacer DDR5 SODIMM DRAM Modules?
  • The GNSS Module Quectel LC76G Has Elevated the Precision of Location Determination to a Higher Level
  • EA PLC Module with 2.8” HMI Panel
  • The Specialist Recommends: 2x Quick Connect Terminals 6,3 mm by TE Connectivity
  • New Generation of 2 in 1 I/O Edge Gateway by USR IoT
  • Specialist Recommends: Circular Industrial Connectors by Attend
  • MCU BT Quectel HCM111Z Providing Performance and Flexibility for IoT
  • Let us introduce Traco Power TMPW AC/DC converters with screw connectors
  • Build Your Application On the gen4-ESP32 Smart Display
  • Rely on Valve Connectors by Hirschmann
  • WEA Winstar OLEDs: Easy Integration with Application PCB
  • Quectel Wi-Fi HaLow Module: Range of 1 km & Low Energy Consumption
  • Specialist Recommends: Micro-match Connectors by TE Connectivity
  • Case Study: Lantronix Products Helping in Medicine, Transportation, and Industry
  • Reliable PCB Protection and Maintenance with Kontakt Chemie Products
  • Upgrade Legacy Products with Bridgetek's EVE Controllers
  • Three Things You Should Know About USB-C
  • Get to Know Gas Sensors by SGX Sensortech
  • ECAD Models Now Available on our Website
  • 2JM3201C5F Antenna for Applications Requiring High Position Accuracy
  • The Hammond 1556 Enclosures Bring a Modern Design on a Budget
  • Discover the Improved Plug-In Terminal Blocks by Euroclamp
  • Join Us and Visit Key Electrical Engineering Exhibitions in 2024
  • E-book: SOS electronic's NPI Highlights of 2023
  • Choose From 2024 Sale
  • Traco Power Boosting Power Density: TEL6(WI) DC/DC in DIP-16
  • Flexible Solution for DIN Rail Supply by TDK-LAMBDA
  • Discover Wi-Fi Modules SparkLAN Available in SOS electronic Offer


  • New Product Introduction

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