As soon as we send you an offer by email, it also appears in your account in the e-shop. You can see all the price offers here, even those that were requested by phone or email. We will notify you of current price offers immediately after logging into the e-shop, with the possibility to display the detail of the offer directly.
The offer includes the following product information:
• Offered price• Quantity to which the offer applies
• Delivery date
• Comments from our manufacturer
Apart from this, you will also see additional information, such as shipping method, payment method, shipping address, who created the offer, and also who requested it. Offer is valid for 7 days unless otherwise stated.
Immediate order option
If you are interested in the price offer, you can order products immediately. There’s a checkbox on the left for each item. It means that you don’t have to order all items; you can also order just one item from the offer. Continue with the order recap (similar to the classic e-shop shopping cart) where you will see only those items you were interested in. Now, all you need to do is confirm the order.
Take advantage of other extra benefits
Price offer export to XLSIf you need to process the price offer first and don’t want to copy-paste item by item, use the option to export the offer to XLS format. This way, you can easily get it into your information system.
Offers archive
Offers archive contains all offers older than 7days. You can also search for offers created within the last 2 years.
Faster processing of your order
If you order products from the price offer via web, your request gets into our system within just 1 minute and thus our purchaser can immediately place the order for the given goods. This removes the downtime that can be caused when your email is read later.
We believe that this information will make your work on our website a little easier. We will be happy to respond to your comments and suggestions at
- Faster order processing
- Eliminating the risk of typos as a result of human error
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