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Asistent vânzări / Romanian speaking Sales Assistant

Information about the position

  • Job location: Slovakia, Pri prachárni 16, Košice
  • Start date: by agreement
  • Type of employment: full-time
  • Salary conditions (gross): from 1000 €/month
  • The usual monthly salary for this position is between 1100 - 1500€ (gross).

Job description, responsibilities, and duties

If you speak fluent Romanian, you are communicative and have a business spirit, let’s become part of our international team!

You will communicate in Romanian on a daily basis.

Your tasks will be to:

  • actively contact existing and new customers over the phone, take care of and expand the customer database in the internal information system,
  • verify customer satisfaction with services over the phone, identify their needs, process complaints,
  • process price offers, received orders, allocate payment and delivery conditions, - cooperate with the team in solving tasks, projects using your language skills,
  • continuous education in the field of goods, processes, and business skills.

And moreover: if you show you really want and you can do it, we'll provide you the opportunities to build your career.

Personality requirements and skills

You can succeed if you meet the following requirements:

  • you are fluent in Romanian,
  • you can communicate either in Slovak or English,
  • you have technical thinking,
  • you are communicative and can work over the phone,
  • you are interested in everything new; you like to learn new things and work on yourself,
  • you like changes, you are attracted by new challenges,
  • you do not look for the problems but rather propose solutions,
  • you are a team player with positive thinking,
  • knowledge of electronic components is welcome.

Candidate’s Qualifications

  • Position is suitable for applicants with a high school or university degree with a focus on business, electronics, technology, or administration.
  • The knowledge of Romanian and English, or Romanian and Slovak language is mandatory in both forms - verbal and written. Other languages are welcome.


We have been creating our success story for over 30 years and we are still among the companies with the lowest fluctuation. Therefore, we asked our employees why they like to work for us:

  • I like the working environment, the human and fair approach to employees,
  • we are a very good team, we meet even after working hours,
  • I have the trust of my boss and freedom in decision-making,
  • my boss supports me in education,
  • I work with modern technologies, I am regularly informed about news from the world of electronics, trade, and marketing,
  • it is great that I can learn the language directly in the company during individual lectures with the lecturer,
  • I use the Multisport card for sports centers in Slovakia,
  • I can use the services of a private medical facility, I do not wait, I save time.

Additional Information

Candidates that are interested in this position should send a CV in English or Slovak along with a covering letter explaining why they are suitable for the position. All materials should be sent via e-mail to career@soselectronic.com.

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