APACER - Apacer on Embedded World 2013

SOS electronic provides products from Apacer - Hardwired TCP/IP Embedded Ethernet Modules and Controllers, WiFi and Webserver modules. SOS electronic visited them at fair Embedded world 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany... www.soselectronic.com/apacer

Videa Producenta

Apacer´s Remote Device Management success story

Apacer´s Remote Device Management success story

No single SSD can meet the needs of diverse applications. Apacer’s Double-barreled Solution allows customers to select the ideal SSD for their needs.

Unconditionally steady Apacer XR-DIMM module

Unconditionally steady Apacer XR-DIMM module

Unconditionally steady XR-DIMM module - rugged memory module is the first on the market to meet the exacting standards of the US RTCA DO-160G test.

Apacer Factory Tour

Apacer Factory Tour

Apacer is a world-leading supplier specializing in the research and development, design, manufacturing, and marketing of industrial solid-state drives (SSD), consumer digital products, and memory modules. https://www.soselectronic.com/apacer

Apacer Underfill Technology

Apacer Underfill Technology

Apacer Underfill Technology to increase reliability

Apacer Industrial

Apacer Industrial

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