Animation of the new unique design, including high-gloss surface and LED status indication. FOXNEO Series from FRIWO is suitable not only for IT equipment; it is also the optimal power supply for mobile medical applications and a robust solution for demanding industrial environments.

Videa Producenta

About Friwo

About Friwo

FRIWO is the first choice when it comes to sophisticated and innovative power supply solutions.

Power supplies and charging technology at the highest level

Power supplies and charging technology at the highest level

Power unlimited – the FRIWO brand has become a symbol for innovative power, security and efficiency in the area of power supplies and charging technology worldwide. This is due, amongst other things, to our 40 years’ experience and above all to a concentrated charge of technical know-how, which covers the design of tailored power supply solutions to production, right through to product testing with the help of complex measurement set-ups. With development, production and sales units in all important markets, FRIWO stands for the highest level of customer proximity, service, flexibility and competitiveness.

Pokrewne artykuły

Połączenie wyjątkowego designu z nowoczesną technologią: FOXNEO

Połączenie wyjątkowego designu z nowoczesną technologią: FOXNEO

Standardowy produkt dyktuje nowe standardy w branży. Nowa gama produktów FOXNEO od firmy FRIWO całkowicie zmienia myślenie na temat designu zasilaczy.

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