Obudowy przewodzącego plastiku dają właściwe cechy EMC

Hammond Electronics has announced a significant market advance with the introduction of RFI-capable versions of its 1594 heavy-duty small enclosure family. In a major breakthrough in plastic enclosures, the 1594 cases are moulded in a metal-loaded plastic that gives attenuation levels of more than 50dB from 100 - 1000MHz. The light weight, low cost and style of a plastic enclosure can now be combined with EMC screening capability for applications where it is needed.
Artykuł archiwalny opublikowany 14.11.2005. Niektóre informacje mogą być już nieaktualne i niezgodne ze stanem faktycznym. Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o kontakt.

The performance of the loaded material is far in excess of anything that can be achieved by spraying or painting a conductive layer onto a normal box, and as the screening is an intrinsic property of the material itself, there is obviously far less susceptibility to damage during assembly or normal use.

Screening is achieved by loading the plastic with steel to give a hybrid material that exhibits the characteristics of its constituent parts. By closely controlling the ratios between the metallic and plastic materials, we have overcome the most significant manufacturing issue, excessive tool wear, while maintaining attenuation levels that are high enough to be useful in the real world.

The 1594 has a 3mm thick wall to give good mechanical and EMC protection; it is available in five sizes, ranging from 56 x 56 x 40mm to 167 x 107 x 65mm.

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