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Wyniki wyszukiwania w wideo dla marki "SENSIRION"

Sensirion to wiodąca high-tech spółka szwajcarska, z centralą w mieście Stäfa. Wysoko wykwalifikowany zespół ponad 250 pracowników rozwija i produkuje wysokiej jakości czujniki i systemy dla różnych aplikacji OEM. Sensirion zawdzięcza swój sukces swej unikatowej i innowacyjnej technologii CMOSens® (30 patentów).
Sensirion SHT45 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Sensirion SHT45 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Sensirion SHT45 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor Sensirion SHT45 is a digital humidity and temperature sensor SHT45 offers the best accuracy tolerances on the market. Sensirion’s CMOSens® Technology provides a complete sensor system on a single chip, with a fully calibrated digital I2C fast-mode plus interface. Check our regular product information on SOS electronic social networks: Facebook and Twitter. Follow us!

Sensirion SEN5x: Solution for Air Quality Sensing

Sensirion SEN5x: Solution for Air Quality Sensing

SEN5x is an all-in-one sensor solution platform for the measurement of various environmental parameters such as particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, oxidizing gases, temperature, and humidity. Thanks to proprietary algorithms, the module enables straightforward integration into various applications.

Sensirion’s reference design for SCD4x CO2 sensors - SCD4x CO2 Gadget

Sensirion’s reference design for SCD4x CO2 sensors - SCD4x CO2 Gadget

CO2 monitors based on Sensirion´s reliable and accurate CO2 sensors technology improves indoor air quality and reduces the risk of virus infections indoors.

Sensirion Company Portrait

Sensirion Company Portrait

Sensirion is a leading sensor manufacturer, providing relative humidity sensors and flow sensor solutions with unique performance. Together with the capacitive humidity sensor, the product range includes liquid flow sensors, mass flow meters, mass flow controllers and differential pressure sensors.

VOC Sensing with Sensirion's SGP40 VOC Sensor

VOC Sensing with Sensirion's SGP40 VOC Sensor

SGP40 is Sensirion’s new digital volatile organic compounds (VOC) sensor designed for easy integration into air treatment devices and air quality monitors. VOC's originate from a number of different possible sources, like building materials, tobacco smoke, people and their activities, and using air fresheners or cleaning agents. Elevated VOC levels can have various adverse effects on human health.

Sensirion SLF3x - Quick Start Guide

Sensirion SLF3x - Quick Start Guide

The video shows what components the liquid flow evaluation kit includes and how to get started within a few minutes.

Environmental sensing

Environmental sensing

Sensirion sensors measure reliably all the important environmental parameters such as relative humidity, temperature, the concentration of CO2, VOC and concentration of particulate matter. Sensirion also offers sensors for measuring liquid flow and the gas mass flow.

Indoor Air Quality - Improve Your Quality of Life

Indoor Air Quality - Improve Your Quality of Life

Sensirion's environmental sensor solutions enable new use cases for measuring indoor air quality.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) - Improve Your Quality of Life

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) - Improve Your Quality of Life

Sensirion, the expert in environmental sensing presents a short introduction to volatile organic compounds.

Everything you have ever wanted to know about Physics of Humidity

Everything you have ever wanted to know about Physics of Humidity

±2% accuracy in a whole range of relative humidity measurement - that´s just one of several improvements brought by the third generation of miniature calibrated sensors from company Sensirion. - Physics of Humidity – measurement relations and principles - What´s possible and what not in the temperature and humidity measurement - Latest Sensirion Humidity Sensors – SHT3x - Design Guidance & Handling Instructions for your applications and products - Application Examples - Q&A

SOS webinar: Fast and accurate measurement of humidity and temperature with sensors Sensirion

SOS webinar: Fast and accurate measurement of humidity and temperature with sensors Sensirion

Programme of webinar: - About physics of humidity - Portfolio of Sensirion humidity sensors - What is and what isn't possible in measuring humidity - Unique technologies of humidity measurement on market - Examples of applications

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