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LANTRONIX - xPico 250 Series: Embedded Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Combo IoT Gateway

Delivering seamless and secure Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, the Lantronix xPico 250 line of embedded IoT gateways allows OEMS to build and deploy their smart connected products with reduced complexity and lower risk.

Videa Producenta

Lantronix Spider™ KVM-Over-IP

Lantronix Spider™ KVM-Over-IP

Lantronix - XPort EDGE: Industrial IoT in Action

Lantronix - XPort EDGE: Industrial IoT in Action

Lantronix - XPort EDGE: Industrial IoT in Action How simple it is to monitor and maintain connected devices with the Lantronix XPort EDGE embedded wired Ethernet IoT gateway and Global Device Manager. A ready-to-use software for IoT device management. (source: Lantronix) Are you interested in more videos? Follow us on YouTube channel https://youtu.be/fHyrMCd8fgk

The xPico 250 Embedded IoT Gateway

The xPico 250 Embedded IoT Gateway

Highly Integrated Wi-Fi in a Compact Design Dual-band Wi-Fi, Enterprise Wi-Fi security, and robust wireless connectivity management deliver higher performance and scalable deployment within noisy industrial and enterprise settings. The xPico 250 embedded gateway makes it easy to deploy robust Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connectivity without writing complex drivers. Check our regular product information on SOS electronic social networks: Facebook and Twitter. Follow us

Lantronix Xport Pro

Lantronix Xport Pro

The worlds smallest Linux networking server.

SGX 5150 IoT Device Gateway

SGX 5150 IoT Device Gateway

Highly secure WiFi gateway.

Lantronix Premier Wave 2050

Lantronix Premier Wave 2050

Reliable and feature reach WiFi to Ethernet bridge Lantronix PW2050

Lantronix SLC8000 - Key Features

Lantronix SLC8000 - Key Features

This video will demonstrate the key features and settings of the Lantronix® SLC™ 8000 advanced console manager. The Lantronix SLC 8000 advanced console manager is the industry’s first modular console server that provides secure remote access to IT equipment while reducing deployment costs and time.

LANTRONIX SLC800 - Introduction

LANTRONIX SLC800 - Introduction

Advanced console manager introduction.

SOS electronic Webinar - Be online with the Lantronix xPico Wifi

SOS electronic Webinar - Be online with the Lantronix xPico Wifi

Programme of webinar: - Lantronix, Company and Products Overview - xPico Wifi Overview - Typical Applications - Zero Host Load - Power Management - Size and Portability - Simultaneous Client and Soft AP - On device Web Server - Reliable OTA updates - Development Board

Lantronix on Embedded World 2013

Lantronix on Embedded World 2013

SOS electronic provides products from Lantronix - Secure communications solutions to connect and control any type of equipment via the Internet. SOS electronic visited them at fair Embedded world 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany... www.soselectronic.com/lantronix

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix xPort, xPico

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix xPort, xPico

24.-27.9.2012 - Warsaw, Bratislava, Székesfehérvár

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix Xport Pro

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix Xport Pro

Pokrewne artykuły

Seria xPico 200 – bezpieczne rozwiązanie bezprzewodowe dla Internetu Rzeczy w przemyśle

Seria xPico 200 – bezpieczne rozwiązanie bezprzewodowe dla Internetu Rzeczy w przemyśle

Seria modułów WiFi xPico 200 wyprodukowana przez firmę Lantronix to niezawodne rozwiązanie dla komunikacji bezprzewodowej wymagającej wydajnego połączenia, zaawansowanej ochrony danych, łatwej integracji, a w konsekwencji zmniejszenia kosztów całego rozwiązania IoT dla aplikacji przemysłowych.

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