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IQRF - SOS electronic Webinar: DCTR 72DA transmits data up to 600m distance

Programme of webinar:
- key parameters
- comparison to DCTR-52DA
- interoperability and Certifications
- OS 3.07 functions
- DPA 2.xx features
- IDE, SDK, Cloud

Videa Producenta

SOS electronic webinar: Your IoT solution up and running within few hours

SOS electronic webinar: Your IoT solution up and running within few hours

Recording of the IQRF webinar. Speaker Mr.Simon Chudoba from IQRF introduced the IoT Starter Kit (IQRF + Up Board) in his presentation. We looked at LoRa, Sigfox, or Zigbee from IQRF technology. In addition to case studies from Industry 4.0, Smart City, Smart Building, we showed you a practical demonstrations by Ivona Spurná, as well.



There are more ways how to approach wireless mesh network algorithm. Learn how IQMESH operates and why IQRF networks are so robust and reliable.

SOS electronic webinár: DCTR 72DA prenesie dáta až na 600m vzdialenosti

SOS electronic webinár: DCTR 72DA prenesie dáta až na 600m vzdialenosti

Program: - kľúčové parametre - porovnanie s DCTR-52DA - spolupráca s inými modulmi a certifikácie - funkcie OS 3.07 - vlastnosti DPA 2.xx - IDE, SDK, Cloud

SOS webinar: IQRF in practice - How to make your product wireless Simply!

SOS webinar: IQRF in practice - How to make your product wireless Simply!

Practical demonstration of development of your wireless solution with IQRF Data Controlled Transceivers and IQRF development tools. Over the webinar you will get a full picture how to work with IQRF - from opening the first development set till development of your own peripherals and control software. Programme of webinar: - IQRF - Complete solution for Internet of Things - Development tools and IQRF IDE - IQRF network set up within few minutes - Control of a wireless network with just few bytes - Control of an IQRF network directly from your website through the IQRF Cloud - Development of new peripherals and commands with the Custom DPA Handler - Development of your control software with the IQRF Software Development Kit - Effective network service with the „CATS“ - Q&A

SOS webinar: Programming free wireless MESH networks

SOS webinar: Programming free wireless MESH networks

Programme of webinar: - IQRF Technology summary - Direct Peripheral Access - Hardware Profiles - IDE 4.13 - IQRF OS 3.04 key features - IQRF Alliance

SOS Webinar - Wireless technologies without a long term programming

SOS Webinar - Wireless technologies without a long term programming

Introduction to IQRF - complete technologies for wireless MESH networks Complete solution of wireless MESH network Transceiver module as a basic network element Wireless MESH networks without programming How to start with the IQRF effectively

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