Already from the beginning of more than 20-year acting of SOS electronic, we do our best to keep the most desired items on stock - so as to be immediately available. We gradually built a stock, with items in value of approx. 1 mio Eur - about a year ago.
Short development and fast time to market - so typical for nowadays market, persuaded us about necessity to strengthen stock even more and to offer you even more immediately available goods. That´s why we underwent the biggest strengthening of the stock in our history, whose result is , that in our stock can be found components with a total value of over 2 mio Eur.
Higher purchase amounts in many cases also allowed us to decrease prices of given components. From many products and product groups, which we strengthened, can be mentioned for example:

As a small demonstration, that we´re able to deliver really “unusual components”, we enclose a snapshot of an 80cm AC fan EBM-Papst.
In case of interest in any component, please don´t hesitate to contact us at
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