Cerca risultati in video per marchio "LEXSYSTEM"

Established in 1990, Lex Computech specializes in design and manufacturing of industrial embedded single board computers, panel PC, fan-less PC for industry, vehicles and railway. All products are based on low power Intel processors. Furthermore, LexSystem offers custom-built solutions for OEM/ODM clients.
Embedded Controllers SKY2 2I640DW EI3 and SKY2 2I640DW J12 from LexSystem

Embedded Controllers SKY2 2I640DW EI3 and SKY2 2I640DW J12 from LexSystem

Embedded Controllers SKY2 2I640DW EI3 and SKY2 2I640DW J12 from LexSystem DIN-rail SKY 2 2I640DW is an embedded controller with an excellent processor performance, multiple Giga Ethernet ports, and a wide input voltage range 9...24V DC. It is based on a 2I640DW single board computer with Intel Atom x6413E or Celeron J6412 processors Check our regular product information on SOS electronic social networks: Facebook and Twitter. Follow us!

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