DIOTEC - Melf, Mini Melf & SMA package technology of semiconductors

The video from the manufacturer Diotec shows the advantages of Melf and Mini Melf package technology over lead frame technology. They offer a wide range of plastic Melf and Mini Melf Diodes, 100% produced in Europe.

Video dei produttori

Diotec - Stable Output Voltage at Low Costs

Diotec - Stable Output Voltage at Low Costs

Diotec's Linear Voltage Regulators are simple and cost-efficient devices. They are used in sensitive applications and complex circuits, requiring stable supply voltages, low to medium current capabilities, and low noise. The designers easily use them in various applications including post regulators for switch mode power supply, DC/DC converters, active SCSI termination regulators, battery-powered electronics, smartphones, home automation systems, game consoles, etc.

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