FTDI - SOS webinar: Program your displays in a split second with FTDI EVE FT800

Programme of webinar:
- Graphic display controllers - Background
- FT800 Introduction – Three functions one chip
- FT800 block diagram
- Key Features
- Display made easy – Widgets
- Code example – Programmers guide - credit card module demo
- Bill of material comparison
- Applications
- FT800 Summary

Video dei produttori

FTDI FT600 series

FTDI FT600 series

USB 3.0 chips

FT801 video chip with capacitive touch screen support

FT801 video chip with capacitive touch screen support

DEMO overview of new FTDI "EVE" (embedded video engine) chip capabilities.



New object-oriented graphic platform for an easy-to-integrate display solutions

Learn about new possibilities of USB connectivity with FTDI X-chip

Learn about new possibilities of USB connectivity with FTDI X-chip

FTDI on Embedded World 2013

FTDI on Embedded World 2013

SOS electronic provides products from FTDI - Integrated circuits for USB interfaces - chips, modules and cables. SOS electronic visited them at fair Embedded world 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany... www.soselectronic.com/ftdi

FTDI Robot Demonstration January 2012

FTDI Robot Demonstration January 2012

FTDI Vinculum-II Webcam Application

FTDI Vinculum-II Webcam Application

FTDI VINCO Voltmeter demo

FTDI VINCO Voltmeter demo

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